The A20-Nexus incorporates SpectraBand, a technology that enables the A20-Nexus to tune over a super wide range of 470-1525
MHz. Tuning within this range varies by country.
For instance:
In the USA, the available frequency ranges are:
The entire UHF TV band (470-608 MHz)
The 600 MHz guard band (614-616 MHz)
The 600 MHz duplex gap (653-663 MHz)
The 900 MHz ISM Band (902-928MHz)
The 950 MHz STL Band (941.5-960 MHz)
The 1.5 GHz AFTRCC band (1435-1525 MHz), with an appropriate license.
In the UK, the available frequency ranges are:
The core UK UHF TV band (470-702 MHz)
The 800 MHz duplex gap (823-832 MHz)
The 800 MHz guard band (863-865 MHz)
The DME bands (961-1015 MHz, 1045-1075 MHz, 1105-1154 MHz), with an appropriate license.
The IMT band (1518-1525 MHz)
Please see
for further detailed information on which frequency ranges are
available for each country.
Tuning Bands
SpectraBand’s 470-1525 MHz range is divided into multiple, tightly-filtered tuning bands. The sharp attenuation at either end of a
tuning band’s range significantly reduces out of band interference resulting in excellent range performance.
Digital Wireless Modulation
Long Range and Standard Modulation
The A20 wireless products offer two proprietary digital modulation schemes that provide unbeatable range, unrivaled audio quality,
and very low latency. Long Range or Standard modulation can be selected on a per-receiver-channel basis. Long Range modulation
has better sensitivity which results in better range. The modulation setting must match between the A20-Mini, A10-TX and the
A20-Nexus in order for the transmitted signal to be received and decoded.
Intermodulation Immunity
Because the A20 and A10 digital RF transmission is inherently resistant to intermodulation, multiple A10 and A20 Digital Wireless
systems can be used simultaneously on nearby adjacent frequencies without significant worry of intermodulation interference.
Systems can be used together when separated by at least 400 kHz. When operating in the 902-928 MHz Band, it is recommended
to separate channel frequencies by at least 1 MHz.
NexLink Wireless Transmitter Control
NexLink is a proprietary 2.4 GHz bidirectional wireless data link technology that allows multiple A20-Mini transmitters to be
controlled, monitored, and timecode synced from an A20-Nexus over long distance. NexLink is designed to offer robust and reliable
control over distances far exceeding that of the wireless audio transmission, even in the presence of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
interference. An A20-Nexus can pair with up to 16 NexLinked transmitters at a time, while a single A20-Nexus channel can NexLink
with one transmitter at a time.
The A20-Nexus supports the A20-Mini transmitter’s GainForward feature. GainForward eliminates the need to adjust microphone
preamplifier gain at the wireless transmitter. Audio levels from the transmitter are controlled either directly from the 8-Series (or any
other mixer) trim controls, or from the A20-Nexus receiver screen. If the talent speaks too softly or emotes too loudly after being
User Guide