In the Navigation menu, tap . The Settings
menu provides you with the following options
(scroll the list to see all):
Access the clothing size converter
Access the fuel consumption monitor.
Access sunrise and sunset times.
Access your saved trip and track logs.
Access country information, such as
speed limit, maximum blood alcohol level
or compulsory equipment.
10. Setting menu
Adjust the different sound volumes,
change the voice guidance profile,
or enable and set up warnings.
Change the function buttons in the
Quick menu of the Map screen.
Select the type of vehicle you are
driving, the road types used in
route planning, and the route
planning method.
If more drivers use PDN-621HBfor
navigating, their settings can be
remembered by using one of the
user profiles.
A d j u s t m a p r e l a t e d s e t t i n g s :
change the daytime and night color
schemes, change the default zoom
level, switch between 2D and 3D
map, suppress buildings or change
the Vehimarker.
Adjust how the software helps you
navigate with different kinds of
route related information on the
Map screen.
Turn the menu animations on or off,
select a different skin for the
application, or adjust the display
Change the program language, the
time format, units or the time zone.
Turn the automatic trip or track log
saving on or off, check the current
s i z e o f t h e t r i p d a t a b a s e .
The application collects usage
information and GPS logs that may
be used for improving the
application and the quality and
coverage of maps. Here you can
enable or disable collecting these
Modify the basic software
parameters set during the initial
setup process.