Hardware Setup
IDE LED – IDE HDD LED Connectors
Attach on-board IDE device LEDs to this connector. The LED lights
when an IDE device is active.
FDC Connector
Attach floppy cable to this connector.
PRT – Parallel Port Connector
Attach parallel port cable to this connector.
USB1/USB2 – Universal Serial Bus Connector
Attach USB cable to these connectors for external USB device.
PWRBT – ATX Power Supply On/Off Switch Connector
(Momentary Type)
Attach a two-pin switch to this connector for turning the ATX power
supply on/off.
JP44 – Wake-On-LAN (WOL) Header
Attach a 3-pin connector from the LAN card which supports the Wake-
On-LAN (WOL) function. This function lets users wake up the
connected computer through the LAN card. (The cable should be
included with the LAN card.)
JP44 Pin Assignment
5V Standby