SOYO G1681 Analog Telephone Adapter User Guide
Appendix: Port Forwarding
Try port forwarding only when you have router or firewall in your
network and your ATA do not function correctly.
Applications running on TCP/IP open connections to other computers or
Internet devices using something called “ports”. Sometimes your router or
firewall will block certain communication ports between your network and
outside traffic. These ports might be the ones needed by the ATA to
communicate with the Internet. You will need to configure your router or firewall
so that certain port(s) in your network is accessible from the outside.
Different router manufactures have different process for port forwarding. So
you will need to refer to your router manual for port forwarding configuration
Different VoIP protocols require different ports for communication. So you will
need to consult your VoIP service provider to find out what port ranges should
be opened, and forward these ports to the IP address of your ATA.
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2005, SOYO Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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First Edition: August 2004
Second Edition: September 2005
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