Operation of the Autopilot
To activate Autopilot first slew the head into work position and lower the head
horizontally onto the ground.
Remove the 2 transport pins. Raise the head 300 - 400mm off the ground
and ensure Auto slew is switched on, engage rotor drive and then switch on
Autopilot. The head will gently drop to the ground and be ready for work.
Your forward speed will be determined by ground conditions, density of
growth, height of cut and generally operating within a safety margin to allow
you time to react to any unexpected occurrence.
Once in work the Autopilot will control the head height and angle, allowing the
head to accurately follow all the ground contours. The operator will control
reach whenever necessary.
The Spearhead Autopilot will assist you with grass mowing. It does not
relieve you of your responsibility to drive with care and understanding for the
When crossing “grips” or drainage gullies, it may be necessary to temporarily
lift with the main ram using hydraulic joystick and temporarily de-activating
If you approach larger areas not to be mown i.e. road junction, bridges and
crash barriers, it will be necessary to switch off the Autopilot, enabling you to
raise the head from the ground.
Before switching on the Autopilot please ensure the head is within 300 -
400mm from the ground. Always ensure that the Auto-break-back is switched
on when operating with the Autopilot.
Transport of the machines with Autopilot
1. Turn off autopilot switch (green)
2. Ensure all locking pins are fitted to mainframe, slew, height stop and
auto pilot bracket.
3. Ensure machine is folded to the recommended position
4. Turn off isolator switch (red)
5. Disconnect electrical supply.
6. Disengage PTO
Autopilot is not suitable in extreme conditions i.e. very steep banks and very wet
conditions. Always ensure the rear roller is not “clogged” with mud. If the machine
starts to move uncontrolled, isolate by turning off the green switch, place the head
on the ground, follow point 4, 5 and 6 above. Turn off the tractor, apply parking
brake and remove the ignition key, then inspect machine for fault.