Set-Up: Correct position of micro switches
1. Place rear roller on the ground
2. Ensure the locking pins (fig.1) are installed into the Autopilot with the arm
fully lowered
3. Engine turned off, key removed and PTO disengaged.
Slacken bolt (“A” fig 2) and adjust cam plates until they are flush on the top.
Slacken screws (“B” fig 2) to adjust switches; the lever arm must rise on the
cam as shown sufficiently to make the circuit. The switch will give an
audible click, if necessary, bend the lever arm towards the cam to ensure
the switch makes a circuit.
6. Remove the locking pin from the Autopilot and raise the main arm and rear
roller off the ground 0.5 m, now check the opposite switch has risen up the
other cam and the switch has made a circuit.
7. Remove the fuse mounted in the control panel and start the machine, turn
on the rotor switch (the rotor should not spin) and turn on the autopilot. The
arm should rise if the arm head was fully lowered or drop if the rear roller is
off the ground, and the 2 switch arms should come to rest in the valley
between each cam peak.
8. The system can be checked for operation by depressing the red isolator
button on the top of the joystick handle, fully lowering the main arm, bring
joystick to neutral and releasing the red button. The autopilot should now
reset the arm up until the switches rest in the valley.
Ensure the engine has stopped and the key is removed, the PTO is disengaged, handbrake
secure, and the head is firmly on the ground before attempting any servicing, maintenance or
Bolt “A”
Screw “B”
Fig. 2