480.894.5437 Call us toll-free 1.800.685.2783
2167 East Fifth St, Tempe, Arizona 85281
1. First, the incoming feed water (1/4" Black line) is passed through a 0.5 micron
MicroTec sediment prefilter. This filter is required to remove excess turbidity
(particulate matter) that may cause the carbon block filter to plug.
2. The second stage of filtration is a 0.5 micron carbon block prefilter. This filter removes
organics and chlorine from the feed water that can damage the membrane.
3. The third filtration stage of the system is a high rejection thin film composite
(TFC) reverse osmosis membrane. It removes over 98% of most inorganic salts,
all microorganisms and organics above 100 diatoms molecular weight. (90 gpd
Systems have 1 membrane, 180 Systems have 2 membranes.)
4. The fourth and fifth stage filters are our MaxCap
DI cartridge followed by
SpectraPure’s SilicaBuster™ DI cartridge.
The MaxCap
RODI system comes equipped with two Dual Inline TDS monitors.
The first monitor shows TDS levels of pre and post RO membrane water. The
second monitor helps detect the exhaustion points of the DI stages.
The MaxCap
DI is used as a “roughing” cartridge followed by our original
SilicaBuster™ DI . For example, if the RO water has 25 ppm TDS (Total Dissolved
Solids) entering a SilicaBuster™ DI cartridge alone, it may only process about
200 gallons of pure DI water. By placing a MaxCap
DI cartridge in front of the
SilicaBuster™ cartridge,
600 gallons
of water will pass through both cartridges
before the MaxCap
DI is exhausted. The SilicaBuster™ DI cartridge will be only
one-third exhausted. A second MaxCap
DI will process another
600 gallons
and the SilicaBuster™ DI cartridge will now be two-thirds exhausted. Only
after a third MaxCap
DI cartridge processes another
600 gallons
will the
SilicaBuster™ DI cartridge finally become fully exhausted.
This example illustrates that
three MaxCap
DI cartridges plus the original
mixed-bed cartridge
will process 1800 gallons of pure DI water. It would have
standard mixed-bed cartridges to produce the same amount of pure
DI water.
1. Most of the components of this system are plastic and are subject to damage by
ultraviolet light from the sun and other sources such as metal halide lighting.
2. Avoid installing this unit in an area where it may be subjected to bright light or
direct sunlight, as algae is more likely to thrive inside the clear filter housings
when exposed to bright light. The unit must be kept out of areas that are sub-
ject to freezing temperatures.
3. High temperatures greater than 113° F (45° C) must be avoided. If the unit is
used outside, avoid putting the system in direct sunlight or connecting it to a
garden hose that may be exposed to sunlight.
4. Attach the black tap water tubing to the left side of the Sediment Filter
Housing. (See page 6)
5. Attach the yellow drain line to the Union Connector attached to the red tubing
with the flow restrictor inside. (See page 6)