Obviously, any diskette can be damaged or lost.
Therefore, to safeguard against loss of valuable
programs, we recommend that a second copy be
made of all system diskettes. Details on this
procedure, commonly referred to as “back up”,
can be found in the appropriate operating system
manual (i.e., the MSX User’s Guide for the MSX-
DOS disk or the CP/M Operating System Manual for
the CP/M disk).
4.4.1 Loading Disk BASIC or MSX-DOS
Step 1.
Switch on the power of the disk drive and your
T.V. or monitor.
Step 2.
Insert the disk labeled "MSX-DOS System Diskette"
into the disk drive.
Step 3.
Switch on the power of the computer. The
computer will load MSX-DOS from the disk drive.
Then the MSX-DOS system prompt "A>" will appear
on the screen.
At this point, if you wish to run disk BASIC,
type BASIC and press ENTER .
Step 4.
Refer to the MSX-DOS or Disk BASIC User’s Manual
for details on their respective commands.