Futaba is a registered trademark of Futaba Denshi
Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha Corporation of Japan
reCeIver ConneCTIon and
Typical Electric Installation
Typical Gas Installation
usIng The rollIng seleCTor
The Rolling Selector is pressed to access functions and
rolled to select specific features or to change settings
or values. Pressing and holding the Rolling Selector
for more than 3 seconds returns the display to the main
The DX3S features one-touch programming utilizing a
Rolling Selector. The Rolling Selector has three functions:
1. Pressing the Rolling Selector - enters the selected
2. Rolling the Rolling Selector - highlights function or
changes settings and values when selected.
3. Pressing and holding the Rolling Selector for more
than 3 seconds from any screen - returns the display
to the Main Screen.
Programming is very intuitive and always starts with a
press on the selector, then a roll, then a press, then a
roll and so on. Most find that within a few minutes they
are able to easily program their car without reading the
instructions; however, to realize the full benefit of the
programming it is recommend that the manual be read.
Most racers find it is most convenient to use their thumb
when making programming changes as this allows for
one-handed programming, even allowing the car to be
run in one hand while making programming adjustments
with the other.
Rolling Selector