118165-001 REV. A
475 Wireless Boulevard • Hauppauge, New York 11788, USA • www.spellmanhv.com • T:+1 631.630.3000 • F:+1 631.435.1620
11.0 Calibration Mode
PMX calibration mode is started by sending a “Set Calibration Mode”
command (command number 28) with an argument of 1, 2 or 3 depending on
which filament(s) you wish to calibrate. This should be done with Prep and
Exposure control in the OFF state. When the set calibration mode on command
is received the unit will enter calibration mode, but it will be in a “paused” state. It
will not start running exposures until both Prep and Exposure control are set to
the ON state. The calibration status will show “Paused” when the unit is in this
state. When the operator is ready to begin actual calibration they must bring Prep
and Exposure control to the ON state. Note that the state of the AEC control
signal into the unit doesn’t matter. It is not used for calibration. Once the
sequence has started the unit will automatically cycle through the exposure
settings as long as the Prep and Exposure control are ON until it either finishes
calibration or there is an exposure fault. An exposure fault will cause the
calibration routine to abort, and the unit to exit calibration mode. If the user
removes Prep and / or Exposure control during the sequence, the calibration
routine will enter a “Paused” state. It will not exit calibration mode, but it will stop
doing exposures and wait until Prep and Exposure control are both returned to
the ON state. If the user returns Prep and Exposure control ON, the PMX will
continue the calibration. Usually it will continue from where it was when the
sequence was paused, but depending on what it was doing when the calibration
sequence was interrupted it may go back and repeat a previous step. The user
may cancel calibration at any time by first setting Prep and / or exposure control
off, and then sending a “Set Calibration Mode” Command with an argument of 0.
Sending this command resets the calibration sequence. The next time calibration
is started it will go back to the beginning. Once calibration is started previous
values for preheat will be overwritten. Stopping calibration in the middle will result
in some points being calibrated and others not being calibrated. This may result
in poor or inconsistent preheat adjustment. If you choose to calibrate large and
small filaments separately, only the chosen filament will be affected. For example
if small filament is calibrated and you attempt to calibrate the large filament, but
the calibration fails, it does not affect the small filament calibration. In this case
you would have to rerun the large filament calibration, but not the small filament