Solder the legs where the red circles indicate.
(Component legs not shown for clarity.)
Avoid breathing the fumes. Wash your hands before eating or drinking. Wear safety glasses. Clean up small pieces.
Musixel Build Guide
Place the parts onto the PCB. Make sure the openings point towards the outside of the board.
Quick soldering tips:
Prep: Allow your soldering iron to get hot. Melt a small amount of solder on the tip of the soldering iron, so that it is shiny and not globby.
Touch iron to
both pin and pad.
Wait about 2
Touch solder to the
pin and pad.
(Not the iron)
Solder should start to melt.
Allow solder to flow
onto pin and pad.
Remove solder.
Count 2 seconds with
the iron still touching.
Remove iron.
Note: Solder should
be smooth and shiny.
Trim with flush
cutters if needed.