There are five chips that make the Solder Time Desk Clock work. One 8 pin RTC (Real time clock).
Three 16 pin 75HC138 decoders and one 28 pin (ATmega microcontroller). Before we install the chips, we
need to slightly bend the legs perpendicular to the body of the chip. The easiest way is like this:
Preparing the Chips.
Hold on the ends, press evenly
against a flat surface
Perfectly perpendicular.
Legs are square to the body.
Do this to each of the five chips
The crystal is a small thin metal barrel, the legs are very thin. Place the crystal legs through the holes as in
the photo below middle. Hold it in place with a thin piece of tape, and solder.
Place and solder the crystal
Spread the legs, and insert
one of the crystal legs into
each hole
Fill the hole with solder. The legs
on these are thinner. Make sure
there is good contact.
The crystal