EMM Issue 7
B850-W and B850-P Boiler House Energy Monitor
10.19 B850 energy monitor commissioning using
PC software for quick start-up
The B850 energy monitor can be commissioned via the key pad on the front panel
of the unit itself, or via separate PC software.
The B850 is supplied with a USB memory stick which contains the PC software,
product manuals and associated files.
For quick start commissioning the PC software is used and illustrated in this manual.
Plug the memory stick into a suitable empty USB connection on your PC / laptop.
Using the windows operating sytem locate the PC Software on the memory stick
(the file name is '850 vX.00.00_RC', where X is the version number).
The icon looks like
The software can be run from the memory stick or copied onto your PC / laptop.
Double click on the icon to run the software. If presented with security warnings
say yes to continue, or contact your IT administrator for guidance.
Select the language you wish the software to use (English, French, German,
Spanish, Portugese or Polish).
Click' OK
10. Commissioning