EMM Issue 7
B850-W and B850-P Boiler House Energy Monitor
Calculation for Metric (kW)
X.Qv*1 / 3600
A calorific value (CV) for the fuel must be entered into the calculation.
Click on:
Edit the '1' in the above calculation and add the calorific value for your fuel type.
The calorific value (CV) must be entered in units of kJ / m
= Flowrate measured on Input 5 in m³ / hr
Depending on the output of the fuel flow meter a unit correction may be required to
convert the calculation into seconds. For example, Qv*CV/3600. Where 3600
converts from/h to/sec
Calculation for Imperial (MBtu / h)
A calorific value (CV) for the fuel must be entered into the calculation.
Click on:
Edit the '1' in the above calculation and add the calorific value for your fuel type.
The calorific value (CV) must be entered in units of Btu / ft
= Flowrate measured on Input 5 in ft³ / m
Depending on the output of the fuel flowmeter a unit correction may be required to
convert the calculation into hours. For example, Qv*CV *60. Where 60 converts
from/m to/h
When you enter this screen a pop-up
will be displayed to remind you to enter
the calorific value (CV), click enter to
clear the pop-up. Once you have
entered a value the pop-up will not