EMM Issue 7
B850-W and B850-P Boiler House Energy Monitor
15.3 Failure notification of measurement inputs
Failures associated with particular channels are marked with appropriate symbols
on the display.
Symbols of failure:
-F- RTD sensor failure.
-||- 4-20 mA transducer failure, current below 3.6 mA.
-E- 4-20 mA transducer failure, current above 22 mA.
-S- steam parameters below saturation curve (only when detection of steam
saturation is on).
-R- exceeding the range.
-W- wait (after power on, when data is not ready.
-C- internal communication error.
Symbols of failure are displayed instead of the result for all related channels, e.g.
for measurement input and the calculation channel in which the result is used.
No signal from the sensor assigned to the particular input is treated as a failure and
marked on the display with the '-F' (failure) symbol. Detection of a failure may trigger
displaying the appropriate message and then require confirmation by the user even
if the cause of the failure ended earlier. Depending on the settings during
programming the device, a failure may cause the excitation of corresponding output
relay till the confirmation or for the entire duration of failure. Failure and its
disappearance may be recorded in the Event log.
If a GSM module is connected to the RS-485 port, failure information can be sent
via text message to specified phone numbers.