MI Issue 2
All commissioning is carried out through the display unit installed behind the front end
cap of the TVA flowmeter enclosure. The display unit consists of a small LCD display and
a 5 button key pad.
As all the commissioning settings are stored in a non-volatile memory, it is possible to connect
a 9 V PP3 battery to the TVA flowmeter's 4 - 20 mA loop power supply and commission the
unit uninstalled. However, if using a TVA for a superheat application (with pressure sensor),
the sensor must be connected before powering up the flowmeter. Otherwise the pressure
channel calibration will be affected. The TVA flowmeter should still be zeroed in-line (see
Section 4.5.3) and its operation checked. An M750 display unit can be used to provide a
remote display function if required, utilising the linear output.
Rotating the display
The display can be rotated through 180
to enable ease of commissioning. To rotate the
display disconnect the power supply, remove the mounting screws on the display unit,
carefully remove the display unit and rotate. Carefully replace the display unit and replace
mounting screws. Do not force the display unit into position. Reconnect the power supply.
Note 1
- Electrostatic discharge (ESD) procedures should be followed while rotating the
Note 2
remove the 10 way connector from the display.
4.1 Run mode
Normally, the TVA flowmeter will operate in the run mode, displaying the total flow, flow,
power, pressure or temperature of the fluid passing through the pipeline.
After initial power up, the TVA flowmeter will automatically enter the run mode and all
commissioning menus can be accessed from this mode. (See Section 4.2, Commissioning
mode, for details on how to commission). In the run mode the fluid data is displayed on
several screens which can be accessed by pressing the up or down keys.
The display shows a numeric value and an arrow
indicating the reading type, i.e. total flow, flow, power,
pressure or temperature. All units (except
°C) are
implied with imperial or metric units being indicated
by another arrow. The value of total flow is shown in
two parts. The first five digits of the total flow will be
displayed and after 10 seconds the following five
digits will be displayed. To access the first five digits
of total flow again it will be necessary to scroll up or
down and return to the total flow display.
4. Commissioning
total flow powerpres
Fig. 24
After all mechanical and electrical work
has been completed, the following
commissioning instructions should be
The TVA flowmeter should
be commissioned with the
flow through the unit
The TVA flowmeter is
factory set to display data in
metric units. To commission
the TVA to diplay imperial
units see Section 4.4.2.
5 button
Mounting screws
Fig. 23 TVA flowmeter display unit