MI Issue 2
4.6 OutPutS Sub-menu
This sub-menu allows both the 4-20 mA and pulsed
outputs of the flowmeter to be configured.
4.6.1 4-20 mA Output sub-menu
4.6.2 SORCE
This changes the source data for the 4-20 mA between flow and power.
4.6.3 SEt4 mA
This sets the value for the flowrate or power, which is equivalent to 4 mA. The minimum
value that can be set as 4 mA is 0 and the maximum is the 20 mA equivalent value less one.
4.6.4 SEt20 mA
This sets the value for the flowrate or power, which is equivalent to 20 mA. The minimum
value that can be set as 20 mA is the 4 mA equivalent value plus one and the maximum is
the meters rated maximum at 32 bar g. The 20 mA value must always be a minimum of one
greater than the 4 mA value.
4.6.5 CHECK 4 mA
This allows the 4 mA value to be re-calibrated. A digital volt meter / multimeter should be
connected in series with the 4-20 mA output. Pressing the right arrow button will display OP
= 4 mA and the TVA flowmeter will output a steady 4 mA. If the multimeter does not read 4
mA the up and down arrow buttons can be pressed to alter this current until 4 mA exactly is
indicated. Pressing the 'OK' button confirms the setting.
4.6.6 CHECK 20 mA
This allows the 20 mA value to be re-calibrated. A digital volt meter/multimeter should be
connected in series with the 4-20 mA output. Pressing the right arrow button will display OP
= 20 mA and the TVA flowmeter will output a steady 20 mA. If the multimeter does not read
20 mA the up and down arrow buttons can be pressed to alter this current until 20 mA exactly
is indicated. Pressing the 'OK' button confirms the setting.
4-20 mA
OP = 4mA
OP = 20 mA
4 mA
20 mA
SEt4 mA
SEt20 mA
The 4-20 mA sub-menu allows
re-ranging and re-calibrating of
the 4-20 mA output.