Step by step Disassembly and Storage
follow step #1 in assembly.
Wipe down product completely before deflating. It is easier to clean while inflated.
storing a wet product can cause mildew, mold, and can damage
the product.
lift and remove one of the middle floorboards first. Remove bow and transom
boards last. Place floorboards, side joiners, and oars in carry bag.
use an inflator on “sucking function” to remove excess air from each chamber.
fold each side of the boat into the middle. go to the bow and roll up like a sleeping
bag and place in bag.
Cleaning your Boat
Sport boats are manufactured with a heavy duty 1100 denier weather resistant uV
protected PVC material. the PVC material doesn’t require any special type of cleaning
agent. We recommend rinsing your boat out with general dish soap before disassembly.
let the boat dry 100% before placing in a
dry storage place.
Storing a wet product can cause mildew, mold, and can damage the product. Store
in a dry, covered, cool area. Storing in damp or humid areas can cause glued areas
to separate. Avoid areas that have mice or rodents.
Do not uSe PRoDuCtS ContAInIng PetRoleuM DIStIllAteS. (i.e. Armoral).