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Solo 910 Heart Rate Watch 

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the 

limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the 

FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable 

protection against harmful interference when the equipment 

is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment 

generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, 

if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction 

manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communica-

tions. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is 

likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will 

be required to correct the interference at their own expense.


• How to Measure Your Heart Rate
• Helpful Hints in Measuring Heart Rate
• Features and Button Operation Overview
• Setting the Time and Date
• Setting the Daily Alarm
• Turning the Daily Alarm ON/OFF
• Turning the Hourly Chime ON/OFF
• Using the Chronograph Feature
• Using the Countdown Timer Feature
• Using the Calorie Feature
• Care and Maintenance
• Specifications/Battery
• How the Watch Works

Congratulations on your purchase.
We commend your efforts on taking steps for healthier living.  
Measuring your heart rate is fun and easy, and can help manage your 
‘heart health’.

While this Sportline Solo 910 Heart Rate Monitor Watch works like 
a standard sports watch, it includes an advanced heart rate sensing 
technology - 


 - that provides easy and accurate contact heart 

rate readings.


 is a patented heart rate sensing technology that measures 

the electrical signals on your skin – in the same manner that an EKG or 
electrocardiogram does.  

While the Heart Rate Watch attaches to your wrist like other watch 
products, it does not measure or sense your pulse at your wrist.  It 
instead uses 


 technology to sense your heart rate by 

measuring your EKG signal.

How to Measure Your Heart Rate

To get your heart rate reading, just follow these simple steps:

1.  Place the Sportline Solo 910 Heart  

Rate Watch on your wrist, adjusting for a  
snug, comfortable fit.

2.  Place your fingers on the Sportline  

Solo 910 Heart Rate Watch’s sensor, as shown,  

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9/19/11   11:55 AM

Summary of Contents for Solo 910

Page 1: ...ibuted in the UK by StarCase UK Ltd Worcester WR4 9FA All Rights Reserved 2007 SP3637IS03SPO Solo910 HeartRateWatch Relojconpuls metroSolo910 Montremoniteurdefr quencecardiaque Solo910 Orologiocardiof...

Page 2: ...ownTimerFeature UsingtheCalorieFeature CareandMaintenance Specifications Battery HowtheWatchWorks Congratulationsonyourpurchase Wecommendyoureffortsontakingstepsforhealthierliving Measuringyourheartra...

Page 3: ...indryenvironments pleaseseeourHelpfulHints section TheHeartRateMeasurefunctionisnotintendedforuseoroperation inorunderwater HowtoCalculateYourMaximumHeartRate Deductyouragefrom220 220 yourage yourmaxi...

Page 4: ...ODEbuttondownfor2 3secondsuntilthe displayflashes Whenin ButtonBeepON mode watchdefault theSportlineSolo 910HeartRateWatchwillbeepwhenthebuttonsarepushed 3 Onceflashing tosetafeatureusetheST STPbutton...

Page 5: ...ntheDailyAlarmIndicatorappears thedailyalarmisON TheWatchwillstartbeepingatthedesignatedalarmtimefor 30seconds Tostopthebeepingearly simplypressanybutton excepttheLIGHTbutton TurningtheHourlyChimeON O...

Page 6: ...TheTimerwillstartcountingfromthecountdowntimedownto 0 3 At5secondsbeforefinish theWatchwillstarttobeep Thiswill continuefor15seconds 4 Tostopthebeepingearly pressanybutton excepttheLIGHT button 5 TheC...

Page 7: ...Mode Hour minuteandsecond Month day dayofweekandyear 12 24hourformatselectable Month day Day monthselectable Autocalendarfromyear2000to2099 HourlyChimeonthehours HearthRateAlertMode Measuringrange 43t...

Page 8: ...fferent age skintype bodytype EKGorelectro cardiogramsignalstrength amongothers TheS Pulse technologymeasurestheelectronicsignalsthatpass throughyourbody thatresultfromthebeatingofyourheart Many arefa...

Page 9: ...esactivar ON OFF elavisadordehoraenpunto Mododeempleodelafunci ncron grafo Mododeempleodelafunci ncron metroconcuentaatr s Mododeempleodelafunci ncalor as Cuidadosymantenimiento Especificaciones pila...

Page 10: ...ncorrectadelayemadeldedoresultaclaveyafecta directamentealtiempodelecturadelaspulsaciones Aaquellosusuariosconlapielseca losdedosgruesosoencallecidos conunase aldefrecuenciacardiacad bil intensidadde...

Page 11: metro pantallas son Hora Paraconfigurarlahora lafecha elmododevisualizaci n12H 24Hy elbot ndeactivaci n desactivaci ndeltonodelosbotones Alarma Paraconfigurarlahoradelaalarma encender apagarlaalarm...

Page 12: ...alladejedeparpadear Configuraci ndelahoradelaalarmadiaria 1 EnelmodoAlarma mant npulsadoelbot nMODEdurante 2 3segundoshastaquelapantalla hora parpadee 2 Paraconfigurarla hora pulsaelbot nST STPparaele...

Page 13: ...uentaatr sesiguala99horas 59minutosy 59segundos Configuraci ndelcron metroconcuentaatr s ParautilizarelCron metroconcuentaatr s pulsaelbot nMODEpara seleccionarelmodoCron metro 1 EnelmodoCron metrocon...

Page 14: ...2 Medirlaspulsacionesduranteelcalentamiento 3 Medirlaspulsacionesduranteelejercicio 4 Medirlaspulsacionesduranteelenfriamiento Cuidadosymantenimiento ParagarantizarunfuncionamientocorrectodelRelojconp...

Page 15: ...compatibleconlaspilasdelitio2025 ATENCI N Laspilasnorecargablesnodebenrecargarse Laspilasrecargablesdebenretirarseantesdelarecarga Laspilasrecargabless lodebenrecargarsebajolasupervisi nde unadulto No...

Page 16: ...conformeauxseuils fix spourlesdispositifsnum riquesdeclasseAenvertudela partie15desr glesFCC Ceslimitessontpr vuespourfournir uneprotectionraisonnablecontrelesinterf rencesnuisibles lorsquel quipement...

Page 17: ...esuivante 1 Fixerlamontremoniteursurlepoignetenr glantlebraceletde sorte tre l aise 2 Placerlesdoigtssurlecapteur tel qu illustr puisappuyerd licatement trois huitsecondes Veiller bienactiverlemodede...

Page 18: ...Presserd licatementetsuffisammentlesdoigtspouractiverle modedefr quencecardiaque Le bruit desmusclesprovoqu encasdepressionexcessiverendralamesuredifficile S arr terl sitoutestbonou 3 Veiller cequela...

Page 19: ...rel cherlebouton MODE 5 Pourenregistrerlesnouveauxparam tres tenirleboutonMODE enfonc deux troissecondesjusqu cequel affichageneclignote plus R glagedel heureetdeladate 1 Lorsquelemoded heureestactiv...

Page 20: ...llon hourlychime surONouOFF 2 Lorsquel indicateurducarillonappara t lecarillonestactiv ON et lamontremoniteur mettraunbiptouteslesheures Utilisationdelafonctiondechronom tre Lafonctiondechronom tre ch...

Page 21: ...rsaucompte reboursinitial Pourr initialiserlecompte rebours appuyerunefoissurlebouton RESETunefoisquelecompte rebourss estarr t Pourremettrelecompte rebours z rolorsquecelui cia t lanc appuyersurlebou...

Page 22: ...alertedefr quencecardiaque Plagedemesure 43 200battementsparminute Moded alarmejournali re Alarmejournali re 1alarmejournali re Dur edel alarme 30secondes Modedechronom tre R solution 1 100seconde Pl...

Page 23: ...ux lectroniquestraversant lecorpsetg n r sparlesbattementsduc ur Beaucoupdegens saventcequ estunsignal lectrocardiogramme soitparcequ ils ont t hospitalis ssoitparcequ ilsregardentdess riest l vis ess...

Page 24: ...ornaliera SvegliagiornalieraON OFF SegnaleorarioON OFF Utilizzodellafunzionecronografo Utilizzodellafunzionecountdowndeltimer UtilizzodellafunzioneCalorie Curaemanutenzione Caratteristiche Batteria Co...

Page 25: ...lavostrafrequenzacardiacarimane visualizzataper7secondidalmomentoincuivienerilasciatoil pulsantedelsensore L orologiocardiofrequenzimetroSolo910diSportline deveessere allacciatoalpolsoaffinch lafunzio...

Page 26: ...e Stopse OKoppure 7 Inumidireconacquaipolpastrellicheusatepertoccareisensorisulla partefrontaledell orologio StopseOKoppure 8 Inumidireconacqualasuperficiecompresatralaplacchetta metallicasulretrodell...

Page 27: ...ntiemettonounbipsepremuti quandosuON nonemettonounbipseimpostatisuOFF 3 Perimpostarelafunzione premereilpulsanteST STPper aumentareeilpulsanteRESETperridurrel impostazione 4 Perpassareall impostazione...

Page 28: ...ratadiunperiododitempo 600 AL P 218 1 PremereilpulsanteRESETperresettareilcontatoresu 0 2 PremereunavoltailpulsanteST STP avvio arresto periniziarela misurazioneditempi 3 PremereilpulsanteST STP avvio...

Page 29: ...reilpulsanteMODE5voltefinoa quandocomparelavisualizzazioneCalorie CA 2 PremereilpulsanteST STPperavviare ointerrompere iltimer Calorie 3 Lecaloriebruciatesonocalcolatesullabasedellavostraattuale frequ...

Page 30: ...nteggio 99ore 59minuti 59secondi Modalit dimisurazione Tempotrascorso Modalit Timerdicountdown CountdownTimer Risoluzione 1secondo Limite 99ore 59minuti 59secondi Suonosveglia 1bipa5 4 3 2e1secondo 3b...

Page 31: ...formad ondadell ECG siaperesperienzapersonale durantericoveriospedalieri cheperalcunepopolariserietelevisive digeneremedico proprioquestostessosegnalecheattraversail vostrocorpo Lamisurazionevieneotte...

Page 32: ...ullz hlalarm Funktion VerwendenderKalorien Funktion PflegeundWartung TechnischeAngaben Batterie SofunktioniertIhreUhr HerzlichenGl ckwunschzuIhremEinkauf WirlobenIhreBem hungen Ma nahmenf reinges nder...

Page 33: ...hrmussanIhremHandgelenk befestigtbleiben damitdieHerzfrequenzmessungfunktioniert DerrichtigeKontaktmitdemFingerpolsteristsehrwichtigund beeinflusstdieAblesezeit BenutzermittrockenerHaut dickenoderschw...

Page 34: ...renSiemitdem n chstenSchrittfort 7 BefeuchtenSiedasFingerpolster dasSief rdenKontaktzum SensoraufderVorderseitederUhrverwendenm chten mitWasser WennnochnichtOK fahrenSiemitdemn chstenSchrittfort 8 Bef...

Page 35: ...nnenSiedurchDr ckenderST STP Start Stopp TastedieWerteerh henundmitderRESET Tastedie Werteverringern 4 Siewechselnzurn chstenEinstellungdurchDr ckenundLoslassen derMODE Taste 5 HaltenSiedieMODE Taste...

Page 36: ...ndetwerden 1 DurchDr ckenderRESET TastesetzenSiedenZ hlerzur ckauf 0 2 Dr ckenSiedieST STP Start Stopp Tasteeinmal umdie Zeitnahmezustarten 3 Dr ckenSiedieST STP Start Stopp Tasteerneut umdie Zeitnahm...

Page 37: ...lung anzuhalten unddr ckenSiedanndieTasteerneut umdieAnzeige zur ckzusetzen VerwendenderKalorien Funktion 1 Dr ckenSieimUhrzeit ModusdieMODE Taste5 malbisdie Kalorienanzeige CA erscheint 2 Dr ckenSied...

Page 38: ...sung 1 100Sekunde Z hlbereich 99Stunden 59Minuten 59Sekunden Messmodus VerstricheneZeit Nullz hlalarm Aufl sung 1Sekunde Grenze 99Stunden 59Minuten 59Sekunden Alarmton 1Pieptonbei5 4 3 2und1Sekunde 3...

Page 39: ...ischenSignale diedurch IhrenK rperlaufen dasErgebnisIhresHerzschlags Vielekennendie EKG Wellenform entwederauspers nlicherErfahrungbeieinem BesuchbeimArztoderimKrankenhausoderauseinerArztserieim Ferns...
