The pulse rate monitoring systems may be inaccurate. Over-exercise may result
in serious injury or death. If you feel faint stop exercising immediately.
Most experts recommend a combination of health-conscious nutrition, which must be
adapted according to the training goal, and physical exercise three to five times per week.
A normal adult should train twice per week to retain his/her current level of fitness. In order
to improve his/her condition and to change body weight, a person requires a minimum of
3 training sessions per week.
Each training session should consist of 3 training phases:
• “Warm-up phase"
• “Training phase"
• “Cool-down phase"
In the warm-up phase, your body temperature and oxygen intake should slowly increase.
This can be achieved with gymnastic exercise or stretches lasting from 5 to 10 minutes.
After the warm-up, the real training should begin (training phase). Training intensity
should be low for the first few minutes and should then increase to the appropriate
training intensity for a period of 15 to 30 minutes. To ease circulation after the training
phase and to prevent muscle cramps or pulled muscles, a cool-down phase should follow
the training phase. During this phase, which should be approx. 5 to 10 minutes long, do
stretching exercises and/or light gymnastic exercises lasting 30 seconds each.
The key to a successful training program is regularity. You should set a firm time and
place for each training day and also prepare yourself mentally for your training session.
Only exercise when you are in a good mood and always focus on your goal. With regular
training, you will notice daily improvements and can see yourself nearing your personal
training goals.
SP-HT-1002-IM-V12-INT.indb 40
SP-HT-1002-IM-V12-INT.indb 40
4/16/2021 11:49:27 AM
4/16/2021 11:49:27 AM