Program Selection (Continued)
Resistance levels in this workout gradually increase, level off, then gradually decrease.
The first and last segments of this workout each occupy 20% of the workout. The
middle segment occupies 60% of the workout. Follow prompts to set up your user
profile; the set up is similar as Quick Start program.
Display during exercise is as shown below. The human icon indicates the
current progress; the finished portion is showing in Grey; current position
is flashing orange and white and the future portion is showing in white. The
progress bar is showing below to indicate user progress. Other operation
during exercise is the same as Quick Start program, refer to Quick Start
page for details.
INTERVAL (1:1, 1:2, 2:2)
There are two segments, a rest segment and a work segment, each of which
can have a different time and resistance setting. There are three interval
programs: 1:1, 1:2, and 2:2. Numbers in these programs represent time. For
instance, in the 1:2- interval workout, one indicates a segment of one-minute
in duration, followed by a second segment of two minutes in duration.
Interval segment settings can be changed during a workout. To do so, while
exercising, simply press level keys to change the setting in the current
segment. The new settings will apply to that segment thereafter.
Once an Interval program is selected, it will enter user profile setting page.
Age, weight, program time as well as Rest and Work segment setting. User
can set both incline and speed for Rest and Work segments to customize
the Interval program. When the program begins, the product will adjust the
level to the setting.