7-3: If no one exercises on the unit for over 10 seconds, "STEP TO START"
scrolls across the dot matrix window once, then previous workout information
appears. "STEP TO START" scrolls across the window every ten seconds
until someone starts exercising on the unit.
8. WT Loss (HRC 65%) / CARDIO (HRC 80% ) PROGRAM:
Heart Rate Control (HRC) includes two programs, one designed for weight loss
and another designed for cardio conditioning. WT Loss is a low intensity workout
whereas CARDIO is a high intensity workout. These workouts are designed to
achieve optimal workout results. The Polar transmitter belt must be worn properly
to operate heart rate control programs.
8-1: Select either WT Loss or CARDIO workout. Age must be input for the display
to calculate Target Heart Rate. Input your age, then press ENTER to confirm
your choice.
this procedure is skipped if the user has already input the age. (
8-2: After age is input, the 65% HR Target and 80% HR Target windows show your
target heart rates for weight loss and cardio conditioning, respectively.
8-3: If you wish to modify your target heart rate, first enter "SYSTEM DEFAULT
SETTING". (Please refer to
). When the
default setting is "YES", the words "MODIFY YOUR HEART RATE LIMIT"
scroll across the display once and the prompt "MDFY" appears. A suggested
target heart rate shows on the Heart Rate Window. Push
keys to select
your target heart rate, then press the ENTER key to confirm your choice. If
you input a target heart rate that exceeds the minimum or maximum heart
rate for your age, the minimum or maximum heart rate for your age is
automatically adopted.
After the target heart rate is set, you can enter WT Loss (HRC 65%) /
CARDIO (HRC 80% ) programs.
The target heart rate cannot be modified if the default setting is "NO".
8-4: In the WT Loss (HRC 65%) / CARDIO (HRC 80% ) program, the default
resistance LEVEL is 5, and the default speed setting is 50 SPM. Once you
start exercising, an orange speed bar appears. This bar reflects your actual
speed. The longer the bar is, the faster the speed is. The arrow indicates
your speed in comparison to the default speed.
Select AGE in Basic Operation.
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