2. After you input your rest period goals, a message "ENTER WORK SPEED &
INCLINE & TIME" will scroll across the message window. WORK appears in the
information window. TIME, SPEED, and INCLINE information windows will show
values from the last workout session. Press MODE
keys to set the WORK
time;press SPEED
keys to set the WORK speed; press INCLINE
to set the WORK incline. Press ENTER to confirm all input values.
3. During your workout, you can still change your SPEED and INCLINE anytime by
keys. When you leave this mode, all your input values remain in
4. The TIME setting range is from 60 to 250 seconds. Each press of MODE
keys changes the time setting by 10 seconds. If you hold these keys, time will
increase or decrease by 10 seconds. If you do not press any adjustment keys
within six seconds, the message "PRESS ENTER" will scroll across the window.
1. Once you choose the Custom Course mode, the corresponding LED will light and
the screen will show "INTV2". Press ENTER to confirm your choice. The message
"ENTER SEGMENT 1 SPEED & INCLINE & TIME" will scroll across the window.
SEG1 will appear in the information window.
2. Press MODE
keys to set the SEG1 time; press SPEED
keys to set the
SEG1 speed; press INCLINE
keys to set the SEG1 incline. Press ENTER to
confirm all input values.
3. After you input the desired SPEED, INCLINE, and TIME for all eight segments, the
treadmill is ready to operate. If you do not press any adjustment keys within six
seconds, the message
will scroll across the window.
4. In either segment, if you input zero as TIME or SPEED values, that segment is
then considered the last segment to be completed.
Note 1: These two modes are only available on those treadmills with the HRC
Note 2: It is recommended to use a heart rate transmitter belt. The receiver board is
already built into the display.
1. Press the "Scroll" key until HRC 65% (FAT) or HRC85% (CARDIO) LED lights up.
Press the ENTER key to confirm your choice. The window shows "FAT" or
2. When you press the "ENTER" key, "INPUT YOUR AGE" will scroll across the dot
matrix window. A preset value, "AGE 35," appears.
HRC-65% / HRC 85%: