The air equipments will vary, depending on the
Do not use oxygen or
material to be stapled and the staple size. Do not
combustible gases as a
use more air pressure than is required to drive the
power sources which can
staple in the specific job. To determine best setting,
potentially exceed 200
start at low pressure and increase pressure until drive
P.S.I as tool may explode.
is satisfactory. Using excess pressure increases tool
wear on the plier and wastes compressed air.
NOTE:The air supply
Install a free –flow connector plug on the nailer.
system must be capable
Thread is 1/4” N.P.T.
of maintaining the
Install a connector socket on the air hose. For
required air pressure at
best performance, fitting should have minimum
the tool when it is
inside dia. of .190”(4.8mm).
operated at its highest
cycle speed. Inadequate
air supply will result in a
loss of power and
inconsistent driving after
the first cycle when the
tool is operated in high
speed bursts.
Always attach a
free-flow-connector plug to the
plier. If a wrong fitting is used,
the tool can remain charged
with air after disconnecting,
and thus will be able to cycle
even after the air line is
Most air supply equipment will produce pressures
NOTE: Air compressors used
that exceed the SP50’s maximum operating pressure,
to supply compressed air to
55 p.s.i (3.9kg/cm²). A pressure regulator is required
this plier should comply with
to control the operating pressure. The flow capacity
the requirements of the
must be sufficient for the air usage at the installation.
American National Standards
Institute Standard B19.3-1972,
Safety Standard for
Compressors for Process
Air supply equipment should have a 85 p.s.i.
(6.0 kg/cm²) working pressure rating (or 150 percent
of the maximum pressure that could be produced in
NOTE: Make sure air lines
the air system.)
and fittings are clean before
The SP50 requires 1.75 cubic feet per minute of free air to operate at the rate of 100 staples
per minute, at 55 p.s.i.
Take the actual rate at which the plier will be run to determine the amount of air required.
For instance, if your staple usage averages 50 staples per minute, you need 50% of the
7.75c.f.m. which is required for running at 100 staples per minute.