background image


 Stand with feet staggered front to back hip width apart and 

knees slightly bent. Place tubing securely under front foot with 
toes pointing forward. Grasp bar just outside shoulder width with 
palms facing backward. Straighten arms along sides of body and 
position hands directly below shoulders.


 Slowly bend arms while lifting elbows up and away from 

sides of body to shoulder height. Position hands at chest height 
with palms facing downward and hands aligned with forearms. 
Keep abdominal muscles tight and lower body stationary. Slowly 

return to start position and repeat.

Upright Row


 Stand with feet shoulder width apart and bend knees. 

Place tubing securely under feet, grasp bar just outside shoulder 
width with palms facing forward. Bend arms and position hands 
at shoulder height with elbows along sides of body.


 Slowly straighten legs while simultaneously straightening 

arms overhead. Position hands directly over shoulders with 
palms facing upward and wrists aligned with forearms. Keep 
abdominal muscles tight and head stationary. Slowly return to 

start position and repeat.

Squat Press


 Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly 

bent. Place tubing securely under feet with toes pointing 
forward, grasp ends of bar and position behind head across top 
of shoulders with palms facing forward. Bend arms and position 
hands just above shoulder height with elbows along sides of 



 Slowly bend legs while pushing buttock  backward, 

keeping knees aligned with feet. Maintain straight back position 
with abdominal muscles tight and chest high. Slowly return to 

start position and repeat.



Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly 

bent. Place tubing securely around upper back and under 
arms, grasp bar just outside shoulder width with palms facing 
downward. Roll bar forward, wind tubing around bar to create 
desired resistance length. Bend arms and position hands at 
chest height with elbows up and away from sides of body.


 Slowly straighten arms, position hands directly in front 

of shoulders with palms facing downward and hands aligned 
with forearms. Keep abdominal muscles tight and lower body 

stationary. Slowly return to start position and repeat.

Chest Press


Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly 

bent. Place tubing securely under feet, grasp bar shoulder width 
apart and position behind head. Bend arms, position elbows 
above shoulders and hands at elbow height with palms facing 



Slowly straighten arms overhead while keeping 

elbows stationary. Position hands directly over shoulders with 
palms facing forward and wrists aligned with forearms. Keep 
abdominal muscles tight and lower body stationary. Slowly 

return to start position and repeat.

Triceps Extension


Stand with feet staggered front to back hip width apart 

and knees slightly bent. Place tubing securely under front foot 
with toes pointing forward. Grasp bar just outside shoulder 
width with palms facing forward. Straighten arms along sides 
of body and position hands slightly forward of shoulders.


 Slowly bend arms while keeping elbows directly below 

shoulders. Position hands at chest height with palms facing 
upward and hands aligned with forearms. Keep abdominal 
muscles tight and lower body stationary. Slowly return to start 

position and repeat.

Bicep Curls
