DOC. NO: SS-16-14 (REV. 02)
Page 62 of 84
This page displays information about the following items:
Firmware version: version of the application firmware running on SS-16 VOIP-2-
GSM: you may see “Firmware version is 1.1.41” .The firmware can be easily
updated (a new version) or upgraded (new software features added)
Kernel version (Operating system version), such as system-1.0.5 in the example
above. The application firmware and the operating system (root or kernel) may be
updated separately, according to the requirements of the users. The operating
system memory is write-protected, thus in case of problems, accidental erasure or
power failure during updating, you still have a functional “kernel” allowing you to
load a new software image;
System uptime: time since the last restart of the SS-16 VOIP-2-GSM, both in
full format (hours: minutes: seconds) and short format (up 1 minute) “System
uptime: 11:41:59 up 4:50”;
Load average: “0.06, 0.04, 0.01” or “load average: 1.50, 1.67, 1.71 “ - info
about system loading (maximum value / average value / number of active
Syslog View
Shows the system log:
The log is a place where all the applications running on the SS-16 VOIP-2-GSM store
their output messages: status reports, confirmation or error messages, activity, etc.