min. 30 cm
Complex system extensions
In the case of more complex usage
scenarios, the adopted usage profile
should be established before the
actual planning takes place.
This information is needed for
system planning:
Number and frequency of people
using the system simultaneously.
Expected intensity of system use
and its expected positioning in the
Desired expansion (number of
required end devices)
Building fabric and spatial con
Number of storeys to be covered
Is one base station even enough?
• The structural conditions on site,
the fittings within the building as
well as the usage locations and
scenarios required by the customer
must be taken into account as early
as the planning stage for the tel-
ecom sockets for the base station,
so that the Siedle Scope can be opti
mally positioned.
It is not possible to couple several
base stations to a common commu
nication network via DECT.