Figure 8.
STM32G0C1E-EV 5 V power structure
The STM32G0C1E-EV Evaluation board can be powered from the mother board’s CN5 ST-LINK/V2-1 USB
connector with a PC, but only the ST-LINK/V2-1 circuit has the power before USB enumeration because the
host PC only provides 100 mA to the boards at that time. During the USB enumeration, the STM32G0C1E-EV
Evaluation board requires 300 mA power from the host PC. If the host can provide the required power, the
enumeration succeeds, the STMPS2141STR power switch U2 is switched ON, the green LED LD7 is turned ON,
and thus the STM32G0C1E-EV Evaluation board is powered and can consume a maximum of 300 mA current.
If the host PC is not able to provide the requested current, the enumeration fails. Therefore, the STM32 part
including the extension board is not powered. As a consequence, the LD7 green LED remains turned OFF. In this
case, it is mandatory to use an external power supply to supply extra power.
E5V (from PSU) or D5V can be used as an external power supply in case the current consumption of the
STM32G0C1E-EV Evaluation board exceeds the allowed current on USB. In this condition, it is still possible to
use USB for communication, for programming or debugging only, but it is mandatory to power the board first using
E5V or D5V JP24 configuration, and then connecting the USB cable to the PC. Proceeding this way ensures that
the enumeration succeeds thanks to the external power source.
Power supply
Rev 1
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