SECTION FOUR – Routine Maintenance and Professional Servicing
The inlet and outlet piping is connected to the
Inlet/Outlet Manifold by 2-inch union connections.
The Manifold must be removed to gain access to the
Internal Bypass Valve or to remove the Heat Exchanger.
The Inlet/Outlet Manifold provides the connections
for inlet and outlet water. The Manifold houses the
Thermal Regulator and the Internal Bypass Valve.
SSSSeeeerrrrvvvviiiicccciiiinnnngggg PPPPrrrroooocccceeeedddduuuurrrreeee
To access the Inlet/Outlet Manifold:
1. Turn off the filter pump and all electrical power to
the heater. Close the external Manual Gas Valve.
2. If the heater is below the water level of the pool,
close isolation valves to avoid draining the pool.
3. Disconnect the gas pipe back to the external Manual
Gas Valve so that the heater can move enough to
provide working clearance.
4. Remove the Drain Plug under the Manifold to drain
the heater.
5. Loosen the inlet/outlet piping unions.
6. Unscrew the Thermal Regulator Plug.
TTTThhhheeee TTTThhhheeeerrrrmmmmaaaallll RRRReeeegggguuuullllaaaattttoooorrrr SSSSpppprrrriiiinnnngggg iiiissss bbbbeeeehhhhiiiinnnndddd
tttthhhheeee pppplllluuuugggg aaaannnndddd wwwwiiiillllllll ccccaaaauuuusssseeee tttthhhheeee pppplllluuuugggg ttttoooo ffffllllyyyy iiiiffff nnnnooootttt rrrreeeessssttttrrrraaaaiiiinnnneeeedddd....
7. Remove the Thermal Regulator along with the
spring attached to it.
8. Remove the Switch Covers on both sides of the
9. Disconnect all wires to the High Limit Thermostat,
AGS Switch and Thermistor.
10. Remove the Water Pressure Switch.
11. Remove the 10 bolts holding the Manifold to the
Heat Exchanger Coil; then remove the Manifold
from the Heat Exchanger Coil.
MMMMaaaannnniiiiffffoooolllldddd DDDDiiiissssaaaasssssssseeeemmmmbbbbllllyyyy
1. With a screwdriver, carefully pry out the Bottom Plate
(See Figure 4-1, Page 4-22). The Insert will come out
with it.
2. Remove the Insert from the Bottom Plate.
3. Remove the Baffle Plate and Internal Bypass Valve
from the Manifold.
4. Unscrew the AGS, Thermistor, and HLS from the
Manifold shell.
Inlet/Outlet Manifold
2662 1096
Inlet/Outlet Manifold
(Heaters built after 3/15/01)
SSSSaaaaffffeeeettttyyyy PPPPrrrreeeeccccaaaauuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss::::
Fire or explosion hazard.
Disconnect all
power to the heater and close the External Manual
Gas Valve before starting this procedure.
The Thermal Governor plug has a
spring behind it.
Restrain it when removing it from
the Manifold to prevent it from flying and possibly
injuring persons nearby.
P/N 77707-0206