To open the safe, insert key into
lock and turn clockwise un�l the
door automa�cally opens.
You must turn the key back to the
locked position before you are
able to close and lock the door.
NOTE: Do not mix old and new
batteries. Do not mix alkaline,
standard or rechargeable
If your safe includes a shelf,
remove it for be�er access to the
ba�ery compartment. Push the
ba�ery cover locking tab with a
screwdriver to release the cover.
Install the (4) AA alkaline ba�eries
as shown. Replace the cover by
inser�ng the rear tabs in the slots
and snapping the cover in place.
NOTE: If the ba�eries are low,
the combina�on bu�ons will
flash red when pushed. Replace
with 4 new AA alkaline ba�eries
as shown.
For security you must program your
own combina�on a�er opening the safe.
Record your new combina�on on
this form or store your combina�on on our
secure website at www.stack-on.com under
Service. If you write down your combina�on
you must keep this informa�on in a secure
place, away from children, not inside the safe.
Press the Reset Bu�on (3) located inside the
safe. Two “beeps” will sound (if the sound is
turned on) and all 3 bu�ons will flash blue
twice. You will have 5 seconds to begin
entering your combina�on or you will have
to start over.
Enter your own 3-8 bu�on combina�on by
pressing any combina�on of the 3 bu�ons.
Example: (RIGHT) - (LEFT) - (CENTER) -
For each combina�on entry a “beep” will
sound (if the sound is turned on) and all the
bu�ons will light up green. If you delay
more than 5 seconds between entries you
will have to start over from step 1. A�er
you have finished entering your
combina�on, you will have 5 seconds to
press the Reset Bu�on to record your new
combina�on or you will have to start over
from step 1.
When you press the Reset Bu�on to record
your new combina�on, there will be two