11Beamage-3 User
’s Manual Revision 4.0
Standa Ltd. All rights reserved
Figure 5-10 Data Acquisition Tab
defines the time for which the acquisition will keep running. The countdown starts as soon
as the user presses the
“Start Data Acquisition”
button located in the
“Main Controls”
. The user can select
the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds.
“File Name”
allows the user to specify a name and a path for his file. A filename must be defined to
start an acquisition. If the
“Full images and measurements
” is selected, then a series of “.BMG” files with
the same filename concatenated with its corresponding increment will be saved.
“Sample Rate”
defines the rate at which the samples are saved. When choosing the
acquisition mode, the sample rate is defined as 1/X images. To save every frame computed, enter
value “1” in the box. To keep track of only a small amount of frames, enter a higher value. When
choosing the
‘Full images and measurements”
acquisition mode, the sample rate is defined temporally.
The fastest rate is limited to 1 per second.