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Summary of Contents for LC-20

Page 1: ...USERS MANUAL LC 20 DOT MATRIX PRINTER 80820476 ...

Page 2: ...e seikO sOn Corp NOTICE All rights reserved Reproduction of aoy partof this manual in any form whatsoeverwithout ckgewitiattim All effortshave been madeto ensurethe accuracyof the contentsof thismanrral at the time of press However shotddany errora he detected STAR would greatlya reciate being informed of them The abovenotwithstanding STAR cartassumeno responsibilityfor any errorsin this manual Co...

Page 3: Chapter 2 Controlpaneloperations There are a numberof controlson the frontpanel whichperformvarious functionsrelatedto paperhandling printmodesand fontselection Aftergettingsetup readthischapterandtry outthevariousproceduresin it to find outhowthe printerworks Chapter 3 DIP switchsettings Thischapterexplainshowto settheDIP switchesto makesystemsettings on the printer Chapter 4 Printercontrolcom...

Page 4: ... printer Chapter 7 Troubleshootingandmaintenance Thissectiongivesachecklistofpointstocheckifyourprinterisnotworking in the expectedway It alsoincludesdetailsof someroutinemaintenance operationsyoucancarryoutyourself Itisno however acompleteservice manual Callaqualifiedserviceengineerifyouareunsureofyourabilityto carryout anymaintenanceor servicingoperations Chapter 8 Specifications This sectiongiv...

Page 5: ...nderstandableindicatordisplaysandbeeptonesprovideimmedi ate feedbackwhen you press the buttonson the controlpanel The four buttonscanoperateincombinationstoperforma surprisingvarietyof func tions includingmicro alignment Easycare andmaintenance The ribbon cartridgecan be replacedin secondsthe print head in a few minutes Versatilepaperhandling Singlesheets fanfoldforms andmulti copyforms upto tripl...

Page 6: ...e paper Paper parking Paper unparking Adjusting the Printing Gap Chapter 2 CONTROL PANEL OPERATIONS Buttons andIndicators ONLINEbutton PAPER FEEDbutton PITCH button FONTbutton Power Up Functions Shorttestmode Longtestmode Stayinpanelpitch Stayinpanelfont Stayinpanelpitchandfont Hexadecimal dump Switch Combination Functions Formfeed PaperParking Topofform Forward micro feed Reverse micro feed Clear...

Page 7: ...RACTERS Designing YourOwnDraftCharacters Defining theattribute data Assigning thechamcter data Sample program Defining YourOwnNLQCharacters Chapter 6 MS DOS ANDYOUR PRINTER Installing Application Software withYourPrinter Embedding Printer Commands Programming thePrinterwithDOSCommands Programming withBASIC Howtheprogram works Chapter 7 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE Troubleshooting Powersupply Pr...

Page 8: ... SPECIFICATIONS Chapter 9 CHARACTER SETS Standard Character Set International Character Sets IBMCharacter Set 2 IBMCharacter Set 1 IBM Special Character Set INDEX COMMANDSUMMARY 99 103 104 106 107 109 110 113 116 ...

Page 9: ...ers etc Awayfromexcessivehumidity Awayfromexcessivedust Supplyit with clean electricity Donotconnectittothe samecircuitas a large noise producingappliancesuchas a refrigerator Make sure the line voltage is the voltage specified on the printer s identificationplate To discomect the printerthe plughas to be disconnectedfromthe wall socket whichhasto be locatedcloseto the printer andeasyto access Ins...

Page 10: ...arton andcheckeachiteminthe boxagainstFigwe 1 1to makesurethatyouhaveeverything thereshould be fiveitems If anyof theseitemsaremissing contactyoursupplier Figure 1 1 Check to make sure you have all five items 1 Printer 2 Paper guide 3 Platen knob 4 Ribbon cartridge and 5 User s manual 2 ...

Page 11: ...The printer s external parts Bail lever opensandclosesthe paperbailwhichholdsthe paperagainstthe platen Releaselever releasestheplaten Thislevermustbe backfor singlesheets andup for fanfoldforms Top cover protectsthe printhead andotherinternalparts Rear cover protectsthe sprocketfeedmechanism Entry slot for insertingsinglesheetsof paper Control panel controlsvariousprinterfunctions Power switch tu...

Page 12: ...ounttheplaten knob Theplatenknobis packedintoa recessofthe whitefoampackingmaterial whichheldyourprinterinsidethecarton Besureto removetheknobfrom the packaging Mountthe knobon the platenshaft whichis on the right handsideof the printer Rotate the knob on the shaft before pushingthe knob fully into position Platen knob Figure 1 3 Mounting the platen knob lnsta theribboncartridge Removethetopcoverb...

Page 13: ...nterclockwiseon the ribbon cartridge to tightenthe ribbonif it is slack 2 Guidethe ribbonbetweentheprintheadandthe platen makingcertain that the spindles on the cartridgeholder fit into the sockets on the cartridgeitself Figure 1 5 Installing the ribbon cartridge ...

Page 14: the ribbon between the print head and print haad shield To replacethe top cover insertthe tabs into the slotson the printercase Swingthe frontedgedownto closethe cover Leavethe top coverclosedduringnormaloperation The coverkeepsout dustanddirtandreducestheprinter soperatingsounds Openthecoveronly to changethe ribbonor makean adjustment 6 ...

Page 15: ...tor at the printerend The configurationof the printer sconnectoris given in Chapter 8 should you need a cable for connectionto another computer If you need to connect to a serial port use the optional Serial Parallel converter SPC 8K j 06 I Interface Connector cable Figure 1 7 Connecting the interface cable Plugtheprinterintoasuitableoutlet However DONOTturnonthepower switchat the frontof the prin...

Page 16: ...SF instructionbooklet Automaticloading Singlesheetscanbe loadedmanuallywiththepoweroff or automatically withthe poweron We willstartthe easy waywithautomaticloading 1 Placethe paperguidein positionby insertingthe tabs locatedon the bottomof the assembly intothe slotson the rearcoverof the printer lever Figure T 8 Mounting the paper guide for single sheets 8 ...

Page 17: ...powerusingtheswitchlocatedatthefrontoftheprinter The pnnterwillbeep indicatingthatthereisnopaperinpositionforpnnting The orangePOWERindicatorwill alsoflashto confirmthis Placea singlesheetbetweenthe guides placingthe sideon whichyou wanttoprinttowardsthebackoftheprinter Gentlypushthepaperdown in theguidesuntilyoufeelit stop I Figure 7 9 Loading a single sheet 6 Movethebailleverforward Whenthebailo...

Page 18: ...thepaperbail Adjustthe paperguidesto matchthe size of paperyou will be using Rememberthatprintingwillstartsomedistancefromtheleft handedge of the carriage Placea singlesheetbetweenthe guides placingthe sideon whichyou wanttoprinttowardsthebackoftheprinter Gentlypushthepaperdown in the guidesuntilyoufeelit stop Turntheplatenknobclockwiseuntilthefrontedgeof thepapercomes out fromunderthe top cover I...

Page 19: ...or loading parkingand unparking fanfoldforms Loadingthepaper 1 2 3 4 5 Placea stackoffanfoldpaperbehindandatleastonepage lengthbelow the printer Turnthe printer spowerOFF Pushthereleaseleverforward Thishastheeffectofreleasingthepaper fromthe platenroller andengagingthe tractorfeed Removethepaperguideandput it asideforthe moment Removethe rear cover using the two grips on either side and push backw...

Page 20: ...e not aligned properly youwillhaveproblemswithpaperfeeding possiblyresulting in tearingandjammingof the paper Turnonthepowerusingtheswitchlocatedatthefrontoftheprinter The printerwill beep indicatingthat ttiepaperis not yet fullyloaded This is alsoconfirmedby the orangePOWERindicatorflashing 10 Movethebailleverforward Whenthebailopens theprinterfeedsthe paperautomatically 11 Movethe bail leverback...

Page 21: ...13 Mountthepaperguidein thehorizontalpositionshownin Figure1 12 so that it will separatethe printedfromthe unprintedpaper F gufo 1 12 Mountingthe paperguide for fanfold forms 13 ...

Page 22: ...holdit down 5 Whileholdingthe FONT buttondown pressthe PAPER FEED buttonon the controlpanel Theprinterwillautomatically feedthefanfoldformbackwarduntilthe paperis completelyfreeof the platen 6 Movethe releaseleverto the downposition 7 Mountthe paperguidein theuprightposition Now you can load singlesheetseitherautomaticallyor manually as ex plainedpreviously The fanfoldpaper remainsparked at the ba...

Page 23: each position Thesecondpositionfromthetopisthe onemostcommonlyused for single sheets of paper Try differentpositionsuntil you get the best printingresults FJgure7 73 Adjusting for different thicknesses of paper The followingtable providesthe recommendedlever positionsfor each papertypesas a reference PaperType Weight g mz Thickness mm Recommended Each paper Total Leverposition 52 82 0 07 0 10 2...

Page 24: ...16 ...

Page 25: ...unctions Pauseprinting Feedpaper fast andslow forwardand reverse Park fanfoldforms Setthe top of formposition Selectthe printpitch Selecta font Printtestpatterns Preventsoftwarefromchangingthepanelpitchand fontselections Printa hexadecimaldump Clearthe printer sbuffer BUTTONS AND INDICATORS The printerisequippedwithfourbuttonsonthecontrolpanel Fromrightto leftthey are ONLINE PAPER FEED PITCH and F...

Page 26: ...he other panel buttons operate only in the off line state Press the ONLINE buttonto go off line Afterperformingthe paneloperation s pressthe ONLINE buttonagainto go backon line To pauseduringprinting If youpresstheONLINE buttonduringprinting theprinterstopsprinting andgoesoff line allowingyoutochecktheprintoutorchangeacontrol panelsetting PrintingresumeswhenyoupresstheONLINE buttonagain to go back...

Page 27: ...ileon line thiswillalternatelyselectandcancel the Quiet mode When in the Quietmode the printer will print slightly slower but at a reducednoiselevel PITCHbutton Thisbuttonallowsyoutoselecttheprintingpitch Rememberthattheprinter mustbe off linefor you to do this Successivepressesof this buttonwill illuminate and select the followingoptionsin order Pitch Indicator s Pica 10CPI Elite 12CPI Condensed ...

Page 28: ...hmakesit agoodchoiceforlabelsandothertextrequiringhigh visibility You will need a little extra line spacingwhen Orator is used Second therearetwo versionsof the Oratorfont oneprintssmallcapitals inplaceoflower caseletters theotherprintslower caseletters butwithout descenders Theotherfontsdonothavea small capitals option Lowercase willalwaysprintas lowercase TheversionyougetwhenyouselectOratorfromt...

Page 29: ...racterset Eachline willbe offsetby one characterfromthe one beforeit The final resultwillbe somethinglikeFigure2 3 01234567 39 E CIBCDEFGHI JKLMNOFIJRSTUVWXYZ 1 abcdefghi jk Imno x 0123456789 QABcDEFGHIJKLMNOFQRSTUVW xYZ 11 abcde ghi jk lmnOP C X O1234567S9 ABcDEFGHIJKL MNOF13RSTUVWXYZ t 1 abcdefghi Jk lmnoPcl j a 0123456789 GBCDEFGH IJ LMNoP sTuvWxYz 11 abCde hi jk lmnOPqr 012345678 _ ma ABC DEFG...

Page 30: ...p theprintpitchcanonly beselectedfromthecontrolpanel Thispreventssoftwareinterference You willhearan acknowledging beepaspowercomeson Afterthebeeptone youcansettheprinteroff line selectaprintpitch then mtumto on lineandstartprinting Thepitchyouselectedwillnotbe reset or otherwisechangedby anycommandsyoursoftwaremay issue Stayinpanel font By holdingthe FONTbuttonduringpower up fontscan only be sele...

Page 31: ...10 20 30 40 50 FOR 1 0 TO 255 LPRINT CHR 1 NEXT I LPRINT END If your systempasses the codesdirectlyto the printer withoutchanging them youwillget a printoutlikeFigure2 4 m 1 2 0304 05 06 07 0 3 09 IA Oi3 OC CID OE OF 1 11 12 1 3 14 15 16 17 113 19 1A 113 IC ID IE IF 20 p 24 25 26 27 S 29 ZQ B 2C 2D 2E 2F 31 31 32 33 34 35 3 5 37 38 39 30 7B 3C 3D 3E 3F 11234 36789 40 41 42 4s 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A ...

Page 32: ...OA line feed Hex code 1A end of fde also gets specialtreatment the interpreterdoes not send it at all This can cause problemswithgraphicsordownloadcharacterdata However youcansolve thisproblemby changingline 20 in theprecedingprogramandaddingthe codingshownbelow Codingfor IBM PCwithmonochromedisplay 20 GOSUB 100 100 O INP H3BD IF 0 128 THEN 100 110 OUT H3BC I OUT H3BE 5 OUT H3BE 4 1204 RETURN Codi...

Page 33: ... youareusingsinglesheets thisoperationejectsthe currentpage If you areusingfanfoldforms it feedsto thetopof the nextpage 1 2 3 PresstheONLINE button to settheprinteroff line PressthePAPER FEED buttonandholditdown Theprinterwillstartper formingsuccessiveline feeds Whileholdingthe PAPERFEEDbuttondown pressthe ONLINEbutton then releasebothbuttonsat the sametime The printerwill smoothly ejectthe curre...

Page 34: ...notwhereyouwantthetopofthepagetobe youcan changethe top of formpositionas follows 1 2 3 4 Pressthe ONLINEbuttonto settheprinteroff line Move the paper to the desired top of formpmition by pressing the PAPER FEED button orbyperformingaforwardorreverse micro feed Press andholdthe FONTbutton While holding the FONTbutton down press the PITCHbutton then releasebothbuttonsatthe sametime Theprinterwillbe...

Page 35: ...unprinteddatamustbe clearedoutbeforerestart ing Turningpoweroff is one wayto clearthe buffer but there is another way 1 Halt the printingprogramon the computer If printingstopsimmedi ately thebufferis clearandtherestofthisprocedureis unnecessary If printingdoesnot stop continueas follows 2 PresstheONLINE buttontosettheprinteroff line Printingwinnowstop but theremaybe data remainingin the buffer 3 ...

Page 36: ...z ...

Page 37: ...earetheprinter sDIPswitches DSW1has eightswitches named1 1to 1 8fromlefttoright DSW2hasfourswitches named2 1to 2 4 e mu OFF DIP Switch I DIP Switch 2 Figwv S7 DIPswitches For all switches the ONpositionistowardsthebackof theprinterandthe OFFpositionis towardsthe front To set a DIP switch usea ballpointpen or othersmallimplementto movethe switchto the ONor OFFposition Theprinter spowershouldbe off ...

Page 38: ...dmode raphics Italics 2 1 Characterset IBMmode et 2 Set l 2 2 2 3 International character set 2 4 Switch l l DoyouwanttousetheprinterinstandardmodeorIBMmode Selectthe modecompatiblewithyourcomputerandsoftware In standard modetheprinteroperatesliketheEpsonLX 850 In IBMmodeit operates like the IBM PropnnterHI The ON positionselectsstandardmode The OFFpositionselectsIBMmode Switch 1 2 Does yoursoftwa...

Page 39: switchto the OFF position Otherwiseleaveit ON Switch 1 5 Doyouwanttheprintertostopprintingattheen dofthe paper or to keepprinting Leavethis switch ON except when you needto printto the veryendof the paper WhenthisswitchisOFFtheprinterignoresthepaper outdetectorand printsdownto andbeyond thebottomedge Switch 1 6 Whenyouselectthe Oratorfonton thecontrolpanel do you wantlower caseletterstoprintasl...

Page 40: ...uwantIBMcharacterset l or 2 ON selectscharacterset 2 whichis forcomputerswithan 8 bitinterface themostcommonkind OFFselectscharacterset 1 for computerswitha 7 bitinterface Switches2 2 to 2 4 Do youwantan internationalcharacterset Internationalcharactersetsdifferintheirassignmentof 14charactercodes Seethe charactertablesat thebackof thismanual Withthe DIP switches youcan selectone of eightcharacter...

Page 41: scontrolcommands Somecommandsare commontoboththestandardandIBMmodes Inthedescriptions ofthecom mands all commandswillbe categorizedby function The nameof each commandis followedby a tablelikethe one below Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC X l 27120 49 IB 78 31 ESC X 1 27120 1 IB 78 01 Mode Indicatesthemodeinwhichthecommandisrecog nized Std Standardmode DIPswitch 1 1on IBM IBMmode DIPswitch...

Page 42: ...xadecimal I16 49 31 I I 27 73 49 IBM ESC I l 1 1 ESC I 1 27 73 1 16 49 01 Changestodraftqualitycharacterswithelitepitch 12cpi Ignored if the FONTor PITCHbuttonwaspressedduringpower up SelectNLQ characters Mode I ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal 1 ESC X l std 2712049 16 78 31 ESC X 1 27120 1 16 78 01 ESC I 2 27 73 50 16 49 32 IBM ESC I 2 27 73 2 16 49 02 ESC I 3 27 73 51 IB 49 33 ESC T 3 27 73 3 16 49 03 ...

Page 43: ...riercharacters Mode ASCII Decimal I Hexadecimal Both F o 4040 70 41 41 48 I 28 28 46 XI 30 Changesto the CourierNLQfont Ignoredif the FONTbuttonwas pressedduringpower up SelectSanserifcharacters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both F l 4040 70414149 282846292931 Changesto the SanserifNLQfont Ignoredif the FONTbuttonwas pressedduringpower up Select Oratorcharacterswithsmall capitals Mode ASCII Decim...

Page 44: ...italics SelectNLQitalic characters Mode Ascli Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC I VT 27 73 11 IB 49 OB Causes subsequentcharactersto be printed in italics with NLQ charactem Ignoredif the FONTbuttonwaspressedduringpower Up Selectuprightcharacters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC 5 27 53 IB 35 Stopsitalicprintingandcausessubsequentcharactersto beprinted upright Emphasizedprinting Mode ASCII Decimal...

Page 45: ...rboldprint useofdouble strike is commendedinNLQmode and combined use of emphasizedand double strikeis recom mendedin draftmode Double strikecannotbe used withsuperscriptsor subscripts Canceldouble strikeprinting Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both SC H 27 72 IB 48 Cancels double strikeprinting Startunderlining Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC l 27 4s 49 IB 2D 31 ESC 1 27 45 1 IB 2D 01 Cause...

Page 46: ...renot overlined Stopoverlining Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal LBM sc 0 7 95 4a IB 5F 30 ESC O 27 95 0 IB 5F W Stopsoverlining Superscript Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC S O 27 33 4a IB 53 30 ESC S O 27 83 0 IB 53 00 Causessubsequent charactemtobeprintedassuperscripts Doesnot changethe characterpitch Subscript Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC S l 27 B3 49 IB 53 31 ESC s 1 27 S3 1 IB...

Page 47: ... 0 IB 74 00 Selectsthe standardcharacterset This is the power updefaultin Standardmodeif DIP switch2 1 is OFF SelectIBM characterset Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC t l 27116 49 IB 74 31 ESC t 1 27116 1 IB 74 01 Selectsan IBM character set This is the power up default in IBM mode Selectcharacterset 1 Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC 7 27 65 IB 37 Selectscharacterset 1 Selectcharacte...

Page 48: ...Enableprintingof all charactercodes Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC Y nl d 27 92 nl n2 IB SC nl n2 EnablesprintingofallcharactersintheIBMcharacterset including those assignedto charactercodeswhich are normallyconsidered controlcodes Thiscommandremainsin effectforthenextnl n2 x256 characters wherenl andti arenumbersbetweenOand255 Duringthisintervalnocontrolfimctionsareexecuted Ifacodewith no...

Page 49: be printed normally 0 withouta slash CHARACTER SIZE AND PITCH COMMANDS Picapitch Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC P 27 80 IB 60 IBM DC2 18 12 Changesfromelitetopicapitch 10cpi orfromcondensedeliteto condensedpica 17 cpi Ignoredif the PITCHbuttonwas pressed duringpower up Elitepitch Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC M 27 77 16 4D IBM ESC 27 58 IB 3A Changesfrompicatoelitepitch 12cpi o...

Page 50: ...dardmode changesfromcondensedpicato normalpicaor fromcondensedelitetonormalelite InIBMmode alwayschanges to normal pica Ignoredif the PITCHbutton was pressed during power up Expandedprinting Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC W l 27 87 49 IB 57 31 ESC W 1 27 87 1 IB 57 01 Causessubsequentcharactersto be expandedto doublewidth Cancelexpandedprinting Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC W O ...

Page 51: ...s one lineexpandedprintingsetwithcSO or ESC 0 Doesnot cancel ESC W 1 Selectproportionalspacing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC p l 27112 49 16 70 31 ESC p 1 27112 1 IB 70 01 IBM ESC P 1 27 H 1 16 50 01 Causessubsequentcharactersto beproportionallyspaced Ignored if the PITCHbutton was pressedduringpower up Selectfixedspacing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC p O 27112 48 16 70 30 ESC p ...

Page 52: ...d 8 Condensed 4 Proportional 2 Elite 1 I Ignoredif the PITCHbutton waspressedduringpower up Increasecharacterspacing Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC SP n 27 32 n IB 2U n Increasesthe spacebetweencharactersby rz 240 inches wheren is a numberfromOto 127 Usedin microjustification Selectdoubleor quadruplesize Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC h n 27 104 n IB 6 n Selectsthe size of subseque...

Page 53: ...gleheight 2 Singlewidth Doubleheight 3 Doublewidth Doubleheight Double heightcharactemare alwaysprintedat near letterquality Doubleheightprintingtemporarilycancelsthe super subscriptand condensed printing modes but these modes resume when the printerreturnsto normalheight Print double heightcharacters Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal sid ESC W l 27119 49 IB 77 31 ESC W 1 27119 1 IB 77 01 Prints subs...

Page 54: ...ctsa combinationof characterheight width andline spacing accordingtothevalueofnandm asbelow Doesnotmovethebase line n o 1 2 16 17 33 34 m 1 2 Line spacing Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged Single Single Single Double Double Double Characterheight Unchanged Singleheight Doubleheight Unchanged Singleheight Doubleheight Unchanged Singleheight Doubleheight Characterwidth Singlewidth sameas SC W O Doublewi...

Page 55: ...ancesor reversesin subsequentline feedsto 7f72inch Set line spacingto 1 6inch Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std dzsc 2 27 WI IB 32 Setsthedistancethepaperadvancesor reversesin subsequentline feedsto 1 6inch Set line spacingto 216 inch Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both cESC 3 n 27 51 n IB 33 n Setsthedistancethepaperadvancesor reversesin subsequentline feeds to n 216 inch where n is betweenOand ...

Page 56: ...C A Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC 2 27 50 IB 32 Sets the line spacingto the value definedby the last preceding cESC A command Setstheline spacingto 1 6inchif themis no precedingcESC A command Line feed Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both LF 10 OA Printsthe currentline andfeedsthepaperto the nextline Seethe precedingcommandsfor the line spacing Reverseline feed Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecim...

Page 57: ...IB 6A n Feedsthepaperoncebyn 216inchesinthereversedirection where nisbetween land255 Doesnotmovethepnntpositionrightorleft Doesnot changethe line spacingsetting Feedpapern lines Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC f l n 27102 49 n IB 66 31 n ESC f 1 n 27102 1 n IB 66 01 n Feedsthepapern linesfromthecurrentline wheren is betweenO and 127 Set top ofpage at currentposition Mode ASCII Decimal Hexad...

Page 58: ... Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both cESC C cO n 27 67 0 n IB 43 00 n Sets the page lengthto n inches wheren is between 1 and 32 in Standardmodeorbetween1and64inIBMmode Thecurrentline becomesthe top of thepage Set bottommargin Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC N n 27 78 n IB 4E n Setsthe bottommarginto n lines wheren isbetween1and 127in Standardmodeor between 1 and 255 in IBMmode The bottom ...

Page 59: ...decimal std ESC FF 27 12 IB OC Feedsthe paperbackwardto the top of the currentpage Ignored whenfrictionfeedis used Disablepaper outdetector Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC 8 27 5S IB 38 Causesthe printer to disregardthe signal sent by the paper out detector enablingprintingtothebottomofthepaper Overridesthe settingof DIPswitch 1 5 Enablepaper outdetector Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both...

Page 60: ...everyn lines Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC e 4 1 n 27101 49 n IB 65 31 n ESC e 1 n 27101 1 n IB 65 01 n Cancelsallcurrentverticaltabstopsandsetsnewtabstopseveryn lines wheren is between2 and 127 Set verticaltabstopsin channel Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC b nO nl 27 96 nO nl IB 62 nO nl n2 o n2 0 d 00 Cancelsall currentverticaItab stopsin channelnO whereM is betweenOand7 andsetsn...

Page 61: ...op HORIZONTAL POSITION COMMANDS Set left margin Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC l n 27108 n IB 6C n Setstheleftmarginatcolumnn wheren is betweenOand255 in the currentcharacterpitch pica pitch if proportionalspacingis selected The left margindoesnot moveif the characterpitch is changedlater Theleftmarginmustbe atleasttwo columnsto the left of the rightmarginandwithinthe limitsbelow Pica Elit...

Page 62: ...lite 5 s n 96 Condensedpica 7 n 137 Condensedelite 8 n 160 Expandedpica 2 n 40 Expandedelite 3 s n 548 Expandedcondensedpica 4 n 68 Expandedcondensedelite 4 n 80 Set left and rightmargins Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC X nl d 27 38 nl d IB M nl n2 Setstheleftmarginatcolumnnl andtherightmarginatcolumnn2 See the precedingcommandsfor margin restrictionsand other notes Carriagereturn Mode ASCI...

Page 63: ...ode ThiscommandtakespriorityoverDIP switch 1 3 Backspace Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both CBs 8 06 Movestheprintpositiononecohunnto theletl Ignoredif theprint position is at the left margin This command can be used to overstrikeor combinecharacters Leftjustify Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC a O 27 97 46 IB 61 30 ESC a 0 27 97 0 IB 61 CO Alignssubsequent textwiththeleftmargin leavingther...

Page 64: ...erof horizontal tabstopsallowedis 32inStandardmodeand64in IBMmode The tab stopsmust be specifiedin ascendingorder any violationof ascendingorderterminatesthetabstoplist Standardterminationis bythecO controlcode Toclearalltab stops specify ESC D o Set horizontaltabstopseveryn columns Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC e O n 27101 46 n IB 65 30 n cESC e O n 27101 0 n IB 65 00 n Cancelsallcurrent...

Page 65: ...irectionareasfollows If n2is betweenOand63 theprintheadmovesrightby nl n2x 256 120inches Ifyouwanttomovetheprintheadtotheleft nl andn2areobtained by subtractingthe valuefrom 65536 and dividingthe resultinto highandlowbytes Absolutehorizontaltabin inches Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std cESC 4 nl n2 27 36 nl n2 IB 24 nl n2 Setsthenextprintpositionto nl n2x 256 60inchesfromtheleft marginon the cur...

Page 66: ...smustbe nl ti x 256 Dotsbeyondthe rightmarginareignored Attheendofbit imageprintingtheprinter returnsautomaticallyto charactermode Printdouble density8 bitgraphics Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC L nl n2 27 76 nl d IB 4C nl n2 ml m2 ml m2 ml d Printsbit imagegraphicsat 120dotsper inchhorizontally maxi mum960dots wide See ESC K for otherinformation Printdouble density double speed8 bitgraph...

Page 67: ...raphicsin this mode See ES K informationon nl ti ml rn2 MI Graphicsmode O Normal density 60dotsper inch 1 Double density 120dotsper inch 2 Double density double speed 120dotsper inch 3 Quadruple density 240dots perinch 4 CRTgraphics modeI 80dots per inch 5 Plottergraphics 72dotsper inch 6 CRTgraphics modeII 90 dotsper inch 7 Double densityplottergraphics 144dotsper inch Convertgraphicsdensity for ...

Page 68: ...bitofml is thetopdot theleastsignificantbit ofml is theseconddotfromthebottom themostsignificantbitof m2isthebottomdot andtheotherbitsofm2areignored Otherbyte pairsaresimilar Thenumberofdatabytesmustbe 2 x nl n2x 256 Atthe endofbit imageprintingtheprinterreturnsautomati callyto charactermode rd Graphicsmode O Normal density 60 dotsper inch 1 Double density 120dotsper inch 2 Double density double s...

Page 69: ...deletecode shouldbe avoidedif possible Eachcharacters definedbyanattributebyte mO and11databytes ml nd roll Themostsignificantbit of the attributebyteis 1if the characteris an ascender positionedentirelyabovethe baseline or Oif it is a descender descendingbelowthebaseline The attributebytealso indicatestheamountofwhitespacetotheleftofthecharacter Oto 7 dots specifiedbybits4 to 6 andthewidthof thec...

Page 70: ESC nl n2 DC4 27 61 nl n2 20 IB 3D nl n2 14 IBM aO al a2 ml aO al a2 ml aO al d ml d mll d mll d mll Definesoneormorenewdraftcharactersandstoresthemin RAM forlateruse Draftmodemustbe selectedbeforethiscommandis executed nl andn2givethenumberofdatabytesthatwillfollow dOisthecharactercodeofthefirstcharacterdefined al anda2are attributesbytes ml tomll arethecharacterdata andarethesame as in ESC Th...

Page 71: ...chcharacterconsistsof 16dots verticallyand23 dotshorizontallyandrequires46 databytes Copycharacterset fromROMinto RAM Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal sid ESC O n o 27 56 0 n O IB 3A 00 n 00 Copiesthe selectedcharacterset with n as shownbelow to the correspondingdownloadcharacterRAM area overwritingany downloaddataalreadypresent IgnoredwhenDIPswitch1 2isON n Characterset O Courier 1 Sanserif 7 Orato...

Page 72: ...dcharacterset draftquality andelitepitch 12 cpi Ignoredif the FONTbuttonwaspressedduringpower upor if DIP switch 1 2is ON SelectNLQdownloadcharacterset Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal IBM ESC 1 6 27 73 54 IB 49 36 ESC I 6 27 73 6 IB 49 06 Selectsthe downloadcharacterset andnearletterquality Ignored iftheFONTbuttonwaspressedduringpower uporifDIPswitch1 2 is ON SelectROMcharacterset Jode I ASCII Deci...

Page 73: ... eachsubsequentbytereceivedto O AcceptMSBas is Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std ESC 27 35 IB 23 Cancelstheprecedingcommandsandacceptsthe mostsignificant bit as it is sentto the printer Deletelast charactersent Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std DEb 127 7F Deletesthe last characterreceived Ignored if the last character receivedhas alreadybeenprinted or if the lastcharacterreceived was all or part...

Page 74: ...inting Youcan alsocancelthe quietmodewiththe controlpanelbutton Setprinter off line Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal std DC3 19 13 IBM ESC Q 3 27 81 3 IB 51 03 Sets the printer off line The printer disregards all subsequent charactersandcommandsexcept DC1 whichreturnsittotheon line state Theprinter sONLINEindicatordoesnot go off Setprinter on line Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both Del 17 11 Return...

Page 75: ...B 55 31 ESC u cl 27 85 1 18 55 01 Causessubsequentprintingto be doneunidirectionally ensuring maximumverticalalignmentprecision One 1ine unidirectionalprinting Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Std ESC 27 60 IB 3C Immediatelyreturnstheprintheadtotheleftmargin thenprintsthe remainder of the line from left to right Normal bidirectional printingresumeson thenextline Manualfeed Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadec...

Page 76: ... the currentpage Ignoredif DIP switch 1 4 is ON ASF inactive Setprint startposition onASF Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal ESC EM T n Both 27 25 84 n IB 19 54 n T n 40 40 84 41 41 n 28 28 54 28 29 n Skipsn 6inchesatthetopofthepage wherenisbetween1and 15 Ignoredif DIP switch1 4is ON ASFinactive Resetprinter Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal Both ESC I 27 64 IB 40 Reinitializestheprinter Clearstheprintbu...

Page 77: ... Designingand printingyour own charactershas two requirements first designingtheshapeofthecharacter calculatingthedatanecessaryto make the shape and sendingthat data to the printer and secondly sendingthe commandto printthe downloadedcharactersinsteadofthe regularcharac ters There are a numberof designconstraintsfor downloaddraft quality characters Thematrixor gridon whichyoudesignthe charactersis...

Page 78: ... tiny rep sentationof a car shapedsymbolfor ourexample ml m3 ti m7 m9 mll m2 m4 m6 m8 m10 g 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 ASCII Code Descender Left space Last column mO Descender x 128 Left x 16 Last Flgutw5 2 Usethisgrid oronesimilarto it todefineyourowndraftcharacters Definingtheattributedata Beforeyoustartthedefinition youwillneedtodecideexactlywherein the mgularASCIIsetyouwanttoplaceyourcharacters Atlerdow...

Page 79: ...Descender u i Wedecidedthatourcarsymbolwillnotbe a descender so afigure l is writtennexttoDescenderonthegrid Ifyourcharacteris adescender write a O nextto Descender Next you must specify the left space and the last print column of the character Beingableto specifythe widthof the characterallowsyouto specifythe precisearea insidethe grid that the characterwill occupy so that narrow charactemwillloo...

Page 80: ... Samp eprogram To demonstratehow to use the downloadcharacters let s use the car characterandsomeotheruser definedcharacterstoprintasmallgraph This programwilldojust that 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 LPRINT CHR 27 A CHR O LPRIN r CHR 60 CHR 62 FOR N 60 TO 62 FOR M O TO 11 READ MM LPRINT CHR MM NEXT M NEXT N LPRINT 139 2 5 8 241...

Page 81: ...EP 4 520 LPRINT CHR 62 530 NEX 1 I 540 LPRINT 550 LPRINT CHR 9 560 SCALE 570 FOR 1 2 TO 8 STEP 2 580 LPRINT SCALE 590 NEXT I 600 LPRINT 610 LPRINI CHR 9 620 FOR 1 2 TO B STEp 2 630 LPRINT 1 640 NEXT I 650 LPRINI CHR 27 CHR O 660 LPRINT CHR 27 S CHR O 670 LPRINT CHR 9 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS 680 LPRINT CHR 27 T 690 LPRINT CHR 27 LLlEL EX t 73 ...

Page 82: ...first bit also carries the descenderdata and the next three bits describethe character sleft space as with the draft charactem but the last four bits describethe rightspace Appropriateallocationof datain thesesevenbits lets you place the character where you like within the grid with the restrictionthatthe charactermustbe atleast9 dotswide UsethegridinFigure5 4tohelpplotthedata Duetothetwo passproc...

Page 83: ... X 16 Right I I Figure5 4 Use this grid or one similar to it to define your own NLO characters lst m m23 2nd 128 64 3 16 8 4 2 1 St 14 38 70 70 126 0 0 0 9980 6 1 1 0 070382 6 6 6 2nd 28 M 74 M 124 0 64 32 76 0 0 0 32 64 0 0 0 12 12 74 74 74 72 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 ASCI1Code Descender 1 Left space O Right space O mO Descender x 128 Lef x 16 I igure 5 5 Add the values of the dots in the boxes first...

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Page 85: ...llation If youhaveyourprintersetup instandardmode thenchooseanEpsonLX 850as yourprinterto be selected Ifthisisnotmentioned chooseoneofthefollowing inorderofpreference StarNX 1000 LC 10 StarND 10 15 EpsonFX86e EpsonFX286e If you have yourprintersetup with the DIP switchesto emulatean IBM ProprinterIII simplychoosethisfromthe list of printersavailablein the applicationsoftwarelist If the IBMProprint...

Page 86: ...ierwillprobablybe yourmostqualified reference EMBEDDING PRINTER COMMANDS Many word processorsand other softwarelack commandsfor changing font or printingdouble sizecharactem Your printer thereforehas com mandsthatcanbeembeddedindocumentstocontrolthesefunctionswithout softwarehelp Thecommandsconsistof a capitalletterenclosedin double parentheses followedby a digit Font F O Courier F l Sanserif F 7 ...

Page 87: ...ineonthescreen theextraspacebeingthe spacethat wasoccupiedby the commands Onewaytohandlethelastproblemistoprepareyourdocumentwithoutthe commands theninsertthemas a finalstep withthe marginsreleased The find replace andcopyfunctionsofword processing softwarecanbehelpful here Ifyoudonotusethesecommandsorthepanelcontrols theprinterwillprint standard size draftcharacters The printersupportsvariouscomm...

Page 88: ...d A singlePRINTcommandcanprinttwo or morefiles Listthe filenames consecutivelyonthe sameline or usewild cardcharactem and Each file willbe printedstartingon a newpage ThePRINTcommandalsohas controloptions For example youcan terminatea printingjob in progress withthen option Theprintermaynotstopprintingimmediatelyasthere maybeconsiderabledatastoredaheadinitsbuffer Forthen option type A F RI NT lY S...

Page 89: createa varietyof setupfdes with a differentset of commandsin each To avoidexcessline feeds you shouIdpIacethe commandson oneline in thesetupfile Youmayormaynotbeabletogenerateasetupfilewithword processingsoftware it dependson whetheryour softwarelets you enter controlcodes If yoursystemincIudesthe fileEDLIN COM however you can easilycreatea setupfile withthe DOSline editor An appropriatenamefo...

Page 90: ...T 1 L A NLQpRINT RE7iDME DOc The firstline aboveis a copycommandfromthe CONsolescreento a file namedNLQPRINT BAT Thenexttwolinesarethecontentsofthisfile The 1is a dummyparameter whateverfilenameyoutypeafterNLQPRINT willbe substitutedfor 701andprinted PROGRAMMING WITH BASIC As an exampleof programmingthe printeron MicrosoftBASIC wehave listed the program for the IBM PC This program runs in the prin...

Page 91: ... spacirg 1330LPRI E proportioml spacirg 1340LPRIW H E W1 Expanded F WO 1350LPRI IZ w1 Touble height E wO 1360IFRINT H E h GIR l Ibubl ized 1370LPRItW H E h CHR 2 Quad ized 1380LPRI E h CHR O 1390LPRI LPRINT IYRINT 1400LPRI Q CTIR 47 Setrightumqin 1410LX RINT C Varims lineami character spacings 1420IPRI E al Centertext 1430KM 1 1 ID 7 1440LPRINT E A CHR I Set1inespacing 1450LPRIM E CHR I Increase c...

Page 92: ...TO 4 1810 FORCOL lTO 65 1820REAOIX 1830 ROW D30 ROW CHR t13 1840NEXTCOL 1850NEXT 1860LPRINr m A CHR 8 Set8 72 linespscing 1870FORROW lTO 4 1880LPRINT H 1890RX E JO TO 4 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 2110 2120 2130 2140 2150 2160 2170 IF 1940 LPRI E CHR B Select dot graphics mode LPRI CHR 65 CHR 0 KG0 173W LPRI NEXTB LPRI mm...

Page 93: ...15 14 14 DATA 14 14 14 7 7 3 3 15 15 15 0 0 DATA O 0 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 DATA 6 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7s 7 DATA 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 DATA 7 7 0 0 0 DATA 0 0 60 255 255 255 255 255 143 15 7 7 DATA 7 7 3 3 3 131 193 241 240 240 0 0 DATA O 0 0 0 224 255 255 255 255 255 31 0 DATA O 0 1 3 31 255 255 255 255 255 255 1 DATA O 0 0 1 7 31 255 252 240 192 128 O DATA O 0 0 0 0 DATA o 31 31 3 129 128 192 192 1...

Page 94: ... spacing lines 1440and 1490 and a commandto micro adjustthe space betweencharactm lines 1450and 15W Nexttheprogramreturnstonormalspacingandgivesademonstration ofthe printer swc rd processing abilities bold printing underlining subscripts etc The rowof automobilesin thenextprintedlineis createdby dGwrdoading twonewcharacterpatterns whichareprintedinplaceof thecharacter character60 Detailscanbe fwnd...

Page 95: ... are Pica pitch Elite pitch Condensed picap tch Condensed el tepltch and proportional spacing Expdncled Double height Ihub 1e s ized Q i Various 1i ne and charac er spacings Other features Emphasized Doubl e strike nder 1i n i nq SUPER CR1 and uB C l r_ Down1oacl characters ii Various dot graphic dens it ies ...

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Page 97: ...rvicecall Thefollowingtablegives you ideason whereto look in thissectionif youexperienceproblems Region of fault Description Power supply Power is not being supplied to the printer Printing Theprinter does not prin or stops printing Theprint is faint or uneven Dots are missing in charactm or graphics Whileusing application software fonts orcharactm cannotbeprinted The printout is not what is expec...

Page 98: ...ds of the cable printer and computer to nected securely make sure that the connector is firmly in position Is the O indicator illu Ifit isno press the ONLINEbuttonto set the printer on minated line Is the indicator If it is the paper has run out Load more paper flashing Is the paper caught up inter Turn off the power remove thejmedpaper replace nally tumonthe nter andcontinueprinting hIalcesure th...

Page 99: ...fonts not being selected properly Are characters other than those expected being primed Possible remedv Check the software installation andre install the soft ware if necessary Check the software installatio and insert the com mands necessary for font changes into the software Eitheryou areusing the wrongInternational Character Set reset with DIP switches or software commands or you have the wrong...

Page 100: ...fed in this way Try with thinner pa r Iffanfold continuous paperisnotbeingfedcorrectlyusingthetractorfeed checkthe following Check Possible remedy Is the paper release lever Make sure the release lever is pushed to the posi pushed to the position tion Is the paper guide in the ver When using the actorfd the paper guide should be tied position horizontal Are the holes on each side of Ifthetwosideso...

Page 101: ...remove the ASF for this and continue Are the left and right guides If the left and right guides are too close together the too close together paper will not feed smoothly Move them a Iittlefurther aw to abv the paper to feed freely Is there too much paper inthe The ASF Spaper feed hopper and stacker can hold 50 paperfeedhopperorstacker sheets each Make sure that there is no more paper than this in...

Page 102: ...s text being printed with extra blank lines Possible remedy Carriage returns are not being expanded to CR LF pairs Check the DIPswitchsetting and correct Two line feeds are being printed Make your software printjust acarriageretumor if this isnotpossible set the AUTO LF to OFF with the DIP switch setting Ifthepagelengthandmarginsarenotwhatisexpected checkthefollowing I Check I Possible remedv Isth...

Page 103: ...t to bend or damage any cable connectionsor electroniccomponents REPLACING THE PRINT HEAD Thisisnotajobwhichyouwillneedtodoveryoften Thepnnt headhasbeen designedto last for about 100millioncharacters In normaleverydayuse thistranslatestoyearsoflife However iftheprintqualityisfaint evenafter youhavechangedtheribbonoryouhaveadjustedthegapbetweentheprint head andthe platen see Chapter1 the printheadw...

Page 104: ... S Y F R ...

Page 105: ...e twopins 9 ITuead thenewcablethe samewayas theold securingitunderthe three tabson the printheadcarnage 10 Plugthe cableintothe connector insertingit as far as it willgo 11 Fastenthe printheaddownwiththe two screws 12 Movethecarnagebacktowardtherightandreplacetheconnectorcover Slidethe connectorcoverto theleft untilit locksintoplace 13 Replacetheribboncartridgeandtopcover andplugthepowercordback i...

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Page 107: ...t pins 9 Printheadlife 100 millioncharacters Linespacing 1 6 l 8 n 72 n 216inches Character ASCII 96 International 14sets IBMspecial 111 IBMblockgraphic 50 Download 192 USA France Germany England DenmarkI Sweden Italy SpainI Japan Norway Denmark II Spain II Latin America Denmark Norway CPI 10 80 Numberof columns 12 96 Pica 17 1 137 Elite 20 160 Condensedpica Variable Condensedelite Proportional 9 ...

Page 108: ...76 Double plotter 144 8 or9 x 1152 Itisimpossibletoprintadjacentdotsinthemodemarkedwithanasterisk Paperfeed Friction andpushtractor Paperfeedspeed 2 8inches secondmax Paperwidth Cutsheet Fanfold continuous Copies Original 2 copies Maximumbuffersize WithoutDownload WithDownload Emulations Epsonmode IBMProprintermode 5 5 8 5 4 10 4kB 1line Interface Centronicsparallel standard RS 232Cserial option R...

Page 109: ...raftpica Dimensions 396 w x 301 d x 120 h mm 15 6 w xll 8 d x4 7 h in Weight 5 1kg 11 21b Powersupply 120VAC 220VAC 240VAC 50 60Hz variesaccordingtothecountry ofpur chase Options Automaticsheetfeeder SF 10DR Serial Parallelconverter SPC 8K 101 ...

Page 110: ... DATA6 High when active 9 DATA7 High when active 10 ACK 5ys low pulse acknowledges receipt of data 11 BUSY Low when printer ready to receive data 12 PAPER High when paper out Can be disabled with DIP switch setting 13 SELECT High when urinter is on line I 14 15 I N C I I WND utfrom intc Chassis ground Isolated from signal ground 19 30 GND Twisted pair ground return 31 RESET When this input signal ...

Page 111: Thehexadecimalcodecanbefoundbyreadingtheentriesatthetopandleft edgesof the table For example the character A is in column4 androw 1 so itshexadecimalcharactercodeis 41 Thisis equivalent 4x 16 1 65 to decimal65 the numberin the inset Controlcodes recognizedby this printer are indicatedby abbreviations insidepointedbrackets Sample p rH o L D I ontl ol code L H o 103 ...

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Page 114: ...I STANDARD CHARACTER SET 2 Othercharactersareidenticalto standard characterset 1 106 ...

Page 115: ...madeinthecharacter set See Chapter3 for the DIP switchsettings Thecommandfor selectingthe internationalcharactersetsis ESC R n Wheren meanscharactercoden i e CHR n in BASIC Thevaluesof n are O U S A 5 Sweden 10 Denmark11 1 France 6 Italy 11 SpainII 2 Germany 7 SpainI 12 LatinAmerica 3 England 8 Japan 13 Denmark Norway 4 DenmarkI 9 Norway ...

Page 116: ...IBM CHARACTER SET 2 o 0 I m 1 h 2 In 3 v In 4 n 4 5 l 7 1 2 3 G I ix h _ x w h B so 14 30 s1 15 31 108 ...

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Page 118: ...c _ b b _G J b b E ER SET Othercharactersare identicalto characterset 2 The duplicationof controlcodesenablessystemswitha 7 bitinterfaceto obtaincontrolfunctionswhen the most significantbit is set to 1 by the ESC commandin the standardmode 110 ...

Page 119: ...IBM SPECIAL CHARACTER SET Additionalcharacterscanbe printedby specialcommands 111 ...

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Page 121: ... v e r t s t 5 C h a r c o d p r i o a 4 C h a r s c o m m 3 9 C h a r s e 9 9 1 C h a r s i a p i c o m 4 1 C h a r s p a 4 C l e a 9 C o l w i d 9 C o n d p i 1 9 C o n n e 3 C o n p a n 1 C o u t y s t 2 0 m D s w 2 9 D e 6 D e s 6 D i m o p r 1 D m s 1 D o u c h 4 D o u p r 3 D o c h a r 6 D o c h 3 D q u 2 0 3 m E p i 1 9 E m p p r 3 E m u 3 1 E s 3 E n v r e 1 E s s e 3 E x p r 4 m F a f l o...

Page 122: ... e 9 M a n f e 6 M a r g b o t 5 l e 5 r i g 5 M a s p r m o 4 M i c r o 2 6 M i c r o j u s t 4 M o s i g n i b i 6 m N e l e t q u a l 2 0 3 4 7 ml O f f 1 O L b u 1 8 O r t s t 2 0 O v e 3 m P f 51 P l e 3 P w i 9 P a f 2 P a p i 2 P a F b u 1 9 P a f 1 P a f e 9 P a g u 8 1 P a s p e c 1 P a p d e 3 P a 1 P a 1 P p i 1 P i 1 9 P I b u 1 P l k 3 P o s u 9 P o s w 3 P r i 9 P r h 9 P r c o 3 P r...

Page 123: ...8 m a n l o a 1 s p e c i f 1 S l z e 4 S m c a p i 2 S p e c i f i 9 9 S p r o f e 1 1 1 S t a n c h a r s e 3 1 S t a n m o 3 0 S u b s c 3 S u p e r s 3 m T a b u l 5 T e p a t t 2 T c o v 3 T o f o 2 T r a f e 1 1 1 T r o u b l e 8 9 T y s t y 2 0 3 9 L U n d e r 3 U n i d i r p r i n 6 D1 V e p o c o 4 V e t a 5 m Z s a n o 4 U n p a a n d i n 2 U n p a r 1 115 ...

Page 124: ...ed printingfor oneline Sb Condensed printing oCl Setprinteron line DC2 Cancelcondensedprinting DC2 Picapitch DC3 Setprinteroff line C o e printing C last line R R c E p C p M n p n I c s n S m A A h S c Esc 70 d c Esc 70 o S c S d c D d c D d c S g u u u u S v c line spacing s s E n W c p S u c C a a 1 ...

Page 125: ...l D d c al a2 ml m2 M46 Esc n m E n n n 1 5 n nl n2 ml m2 n n n Irr S d c P n n g d g b m C b m S s S p s m p o S i c S S S S C s s B p U p B U p D d c 1 C g d p s v l n l n i h E p C e p D p C d p S q c S c S c S c S d c S d c S d c S i c S q c S c S c S c S d c S d c 1 ...

Page 126: ...n n n n n n p b m c p f d g P q g S c h w s R h E p c R E p c c 9 g o o o o j C j j C t 2 XL j v c h n c v n h n c v n A h c n A h c n S d q P r r S m S s S p s S s S p s C C S s c S c S c S IBMcharacter set R n h P d c R n h d c S q c S NLQcharacters Select draft quality characters Select NLQcharacters S n S S n 118 ...

Page 127: ...C C n n F S D c M S C c S S c S O c c S O c S q c S c p 119 ...

Page 128: ...170 Attn ProductManager EuropeanMarket STARMICRONICSDEUTSCHLANDGMBH Westerbachstra13e 59 P O Box940330 D 6000Frankfurt Main90 F R of Germany Attn ProductManager U K Market STARMICRONICSU K LTD StarHouse PeregrineBusinessPark GornmRoad HighWycombe Bucks HP137DL U K Attn ProductManager FrenchMarket STARMICRONICSFRANCES A R L 25 rueMichaelFaraday 78180Montigny le Bretonneux Attn ProductManager AsianM...

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