Software Manual
1. Installation and Uninstallation
To use the TSP100 futurePRNT product in a Windows environment, you need to install this printer
driver in advance.
1) If the TSP100GT (version 1.0a or earlier) or TSP100LAN (version 1.1a or earlier) driver
utility application is installed, uninstall it before starting operations.
2) It is recommended that the driver utility application is updated by a user having the
administrative right and having used the old version for the smooth data migration.
To install the driver utility application, follow the procedure shown below.
1.1. Installing futurePRNT Software
futurePRNT 7.0 Software installation requires computer administrator privileges.
Execute steps (1) to (12) before connecting the TSP100 futurePRNT.
<< TSP100III Series >>
Click "futurePRNT V*.*` FULL CD" on the download site (
) to download the software.
Extract the archive you downloaded and run "Autorun.exe".