CROS/BiCROS Technology | 23
22 | CROS/BiCROS Technology
CROS/BiCROS Technology
A Contralateral Routing of Signals (CROS) hearing
system is a type of hearing aid that is used to treat
unilateral hearing loss� It takes sound from the ear with
poorer hearing and transmits it to the ear with better
hearing� CROS only picks up sound from the unaidable
ear, while BiCROS picks up sound from both ears� This
helps the patient to receive sounds from both sides of
the head without the head-shadow effect�
Multifunction Button Balance Control
Your hearing system uses the button to adjust the
balance between the hearing aid and the transmitter�
This control adjusts the level of sound coming from
the transmitter� Press and release the button until
the desired level is reached� Each press and release
changes the balance level one increment�
Balance Control is only applicable for
BiCROS memories�
CROS Streaming
Your hearing aid is equipped with a CROS
transmitter� When you enter a memory with either
CROS or BiCROS streaming enabled, audio from
the transmitter is streamed to your hearing aid�
When CROS streaming begins you may hear an
alert tone� If for any reason the CROS stream is
unexpectedly interrupted you may also hear an
alert tone� Please ask your hearing professional
about your particular settings�
CROS and BiCROS systems will have
considerably shorter battery life� Your rechargeable
CROS/BiCROS system will need to be recharged after
approximately 15 hours�