Here is a tour and explanation of the items visible on the main screen:
File Icons
(Just below the main title, “Start Stop Voice Input Station
Digital Recorder System”) from left to right: NEW file, Open Existing
File, Save Current File being Recorded, Reset Defaults, Save File and
Close Current Recording.
On Top
checkbox – Lets you always show the Start Stop VIS screen
on top of any other windows that are opened.
File Name
display area – This shows the current path for the “default”
file name and folder path, for the dictation that you’re either recording
or playing back.
On Air Symbol
– This is a flashing microphone that appears when
you’re actually in Record mode.
Recording Level and Volume –
The bargraph indicates the recording
level. Its indication level is averaged over several seconds.
Hold the microphone 3-6 inches away from your mouth. If you speak
for several seconds, the bargraph should move from the green area up
to the yellow, and perhaps 1 or two bars occasionally into red area.
As shown in the picture of the main screen, the first segment of the red
is lit – this represents a typical normal level, with the bargraph popping
up an additional red segment or two. If all bargraph segments are lit
constantly, this may mean your recording level is too high. If only the
green or none of the green segments are lit, then the recording level is
too low, or perhaps there is a hookup or PC sound card connection
problem that needs re-checking. Adjust the Recording Volume slider
either up or down until you have yellow with peaking in the red region
when speaking.
You may want to make several recordings to find the most pleasant and
intelligible settings, based on your voice’s characteristics, distance
from the microphone.
Audio Position
– Shows the current position within the recording,
expressed in terms of Hours/Minutes/Seconds. This applies to both
recording and playback modes.
Main Button Control Bar (Beg = Beginning, End, Play, Pause, Step
Back, Step Fwd = Step Forward, Stop and Record)
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