1. Order of Priority is PV > Grid > Battery along with export of PV power allowed.
2. This mode is same as hybrid mode with the additional feature of allowing PV power being exported
beyond the grid terminals. To explain this further, PV power will be used to charge battery and cater to
loads. In case of a deficit, grid will share the burden. In case PV power is excess and not being utilized
then it will be exported into the grid terminals.
3. This mode should be permitted only if net metering is allowed in the building or the overload building
loads are very high as compared to the PV connected so that all the PV power is consumed within the
building and no PV power is exported beyond the utility meter.
4. This mode gives excellent PV generation because of the export feature.
5. In case there are a lot of captive loads (not connected directly to PCU) then can also utilize the PV power
as long as grid is available, and the PV power is excess.
6. In case of weak grid areas (where supply voltages are low), this mode tends to stabilize the Grid supply.
7. In case DG is connected and PV excess power available, then PV power may be fed through grid
terminals to the Grid and may incur damages.
8. In this mode, battery power is never exported to grid unless commanded externally (available in
selected models only).
Since the MODES OF OPERATION are now clear, we can discuss how the user can switch from one MODE to other
MODE by using the DKU module along with a few other hardware changes.
Apart from this it is important to locate the MASTER CARD provided on the control panel which houses the
necessary jumpers for change in MODE settings. The location of this MASTER CARD has been kept slightly off-
the–access to avoid unwanted changes done. Please contact the manufacturer to locate this card in case of
problem. It is generally hosed close to other electronics.
Please turn off Load, Grid and PV MCCB whenever changes are being made to the MODE OF OPERATION. Only
battery MCB/ MCCB should be on when changes are being made in MODE OF OPERATION. This process may take
a maximum of 5-10 minutes.
*Refer the below chart to implement the changes.
S. No.
Existing Mode
New Mode
Changes in DKU**
Hybrid mode
(default mode)
1. Need to open “ Float and boost charging setup” and
check the battery bulk voltage setting.
2. Open the “Auto Schedule Setting” and make AC Off
Chrg lvl slightly lower than the setBattery bulk
voltage volt by using – key.
3. Then press back button two time.
4.Now working made has been changed from Hybrid
mode to standalone mode.
Hybrid mode
(default mode)
Hybrid with Export
1. Need to open latch and inhibit setting.
2. Need to disable the load following option (need to
make it ''OFF'' by using + & - key.
3. Then press back button two time.
4. Now working made has been changed from
Hybrid mode to Hybrid with export mode.
Standalone mode
Hybrid mode
1. Need to open “ Float and boost charging setup” and
check the battery bulk voltage setting.
2. Open the “Auto Schedule Setting” and make AC Off
Chrg lvl as Battery bulk v 10volt by using + key.
3. Then press back button two time.
4. Now working made has been changed from
Hybrid mode to standalone mode.