HEPA Clean 3000
Filtered Ionized Air Parts Cleaning System
The HepaClean 3000 is a 1.6 Cubic Foot Clean Room in a
package seven cubic feet, weighing less than 100 pounds,
and occupying just over three feet of valuable bench space.
It is most commonly used in Medical Packaging applications
and whenever there is a requirement for scrupulously clean
parts. Contaminated and electrostatically charged parts
placed inside the cleaning chamber are instantly and
simultaneously cleaned and neutralized. The HepaClean
3000 is used both outside and inside certified Clean Rooms.
It is the only self-contained cleaning system available that
enables the user to clean parts inside a Clean Room with little
risk of contaminating the surrounding environment.
Compressed air (or nitrogen) and electricity are required to
power the HepaClean 3000. The standard unit comes with a
1/4 NPTF pipe coupling enabling the user an option to plumb
it permanently or to a “quick disconnect” on an air hose. Both
a good pressure regulator and air filter placed ahead of the air
inlet are essential to maximize the performance of the
HepaClean 3000.
From the air in-feed connection, air is directed to a stainless
steel tube in the upper section of the cleaning chamber. Up
to 100 psi can be safely introduced to the system; however,
far less pressure is adequate for most applications. Some
trial is required to determine the minimum pressure needed to
clean the part adequately.
It will require less pressure to clean a part with a simple
shape than a complex shape with corners and valleys where
contamination can hide.
Only clean dry compressed air (or
nitrogen) should be introduced into the HepaClean 3000.
Electrically, the unit operates on house current, nominally 115
volts 50/60 Hz. It is equipped with a molded, detachable
three-pronged plug at the end of a six ft. cord.
Caution: Do
not remove the ground prong. Insert the plug only into a
receptacle with a known ground. Proper grounding of the unit
is essential for the safety of the operator and performance of
the equipment.
Place the HepaClean 3000 on a sturdy bench or table at a
height most convenient for the standing or seated operator.
Although the HepaClean 3000 is a stand-alone cleaning unit
it should be placed in the cleanest environment possible. The
“Class” of clean inside the cleaning chamber will always be
cleaner than the environment surrounding it. For example,
measuring the cleaning chamber of an activated HepaClean
3000, installed in a Class 1000 clean room, may show a
reading of less than 500.
There are two function switches on the cabinet: a light switch
turns the light on and off and the other activates the system.
The system switch has three positions: off, on, and auto.
Installation / Operation / Maintenance
The HepaClean 3000 is a stainless steel closed
loop parts cleaning system that employs three
proven cleaning tools—static neutralization, high
velocity compressed air and advanced HEPA
filtration—in a single unit that occupies just over
three square feet of valuable bench space. It is
the only self-contained cleaning system
available that allows you to clean parts in a
clean room with little risk of contaminating the
surrounding environment.
Static Clean International • 15 Adams St., Burlington, MA 01803
Tel: 781-229-7799 Fax: 781-229-4555 •