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Stel Orthopedie

Meerweg 2A+B   9482 TE Tynaarlo   The Netherlands



Phone (+31)592-542555




© Stel Orthopedie BV - USERMANUAL-PDF-EN-FL-202112-Rev1

The Free Lock can only be used safely when 
combined with the orthopedic device upon 
which it was constructed. It is not permitted to 
fit the Free Lock to any other device or have it 
used by another person than yourself. The 
orthopedic device, in combination with the 
Free Lock, is constructed for your specific 
needs and therefore it can lead to hazardous 
situations when used in other circumstances 
than intended, including use by other people 
than intended. 

For that reason it is not permitted to use the 
Free Lock-system without personal instruction. 
In case your device is involved in a (potential) 
serious incident, please notify your orthopedic 


Your Free Lock is part of a complete prosthesis 
or orthosis. This complete device has a set 
replacement term. A Free Lock-system, under 
normal circumstances and with proper use and 
maintenance, will meet this term.

Safe operation

When it is necessary to have your device 
checked or serviced, apart from the annual 
maintenance, please contact your own 
orthopedic technician.

We wish you many safe miles with your 
orthopedic device and the Free Lock-

Scan this QR-code

for the instructional video
