Boat Storage:
If possible, when storing the boat, it should be out of the sun and always hull up so water does not collect
inside. It is also good for the boat to be off the ground.
The boat should also be strapped to something secure as not to blow around during storms.
After paddling it is always good to remove the excess debris from the cockpit as it can accelerate the
wearing of the laminate in the cockpit. It is also good practice to open the hatches to dry out the storage
compartments, or else mildew can grow inside during the off season.
For long term storage it is good practice to close the hatches and use a cockpit cover over the cockpit
opening. This will prevent any critters and bugs from taking up residence inside while the boat is idle.
With composite laminates it is best to launch from a sandy area. The laminates are very tough, but they
can puncture from sharp rocks, so it is best to avoid them. If you are launching or landing in a rocky area,
try and wade out to an area that is around 5-6 inches deep to avoid any rocks.
Gelcoat Maintenance:
Gelcoat is used on Sport, Advantage and Excel grade boats.
If you drag your boat or land on beaches, you may want to add a sacrificial keel stripe along the wear
points. This will allow you to seasonally replace the tape instead of fixing Gelcoat.
If you boat does get scratched during usage, you can polish the boat with a buffing compound from an
auto body shop or a Gelcoat polish from a marine supply company.
If there is a deep scratch or chip, you can fill in the Gelcoat with a polyester Gelcoat repair kit from a
marine supply store.
For precise color matching refer to the chart below:
RAL Code
RAL Name
Pure White
Traffic Red
Pure Orange
Zinc Yellow
Traffic Blue
Jet Black
Depending on the size and severity of the damage, it may be necessary to take the boat to a Marine or
Auto Repair shop that deals in composites.