Assemble the Sweeps to the Poles:
Locate: 2 Sweep Assemblies (Picture 19)
2 3/8 x 28” White Fiberglass Rods
4 #4 x 3/4” Screws w/Nylok nuts
8 #4 x 5/8” Screws w/Nylok nuts
16 #6 x 7/8” Screws w/Nylok nuts
4 Telescoping Fiberglass Poles
1 Small container of silicone grease (Picture 25.5)
Layout two poles (fully extended and taped) parallel about 30” apart. The tip of each pole
will have an “O” ring seal (glued on) and a piece of adhesive non-skid attached to it (Picture
21). Their will also be one extra strip (spare) of non-skid tape in the hardware kit in case a
repair is needed. This material is to provide a very secure grip for the return loop fitting to
grab on to.
Get one of the sweep assemblies, making sure the label [THIS WAY UP] is on top (Picture
19) and the drain holes in the tip of the loop are to the bottom. Insert one of the pole tips into
each of the sweep fittings (Picture 25) making sure that they go in until they bottom out
(approximately 2-3/8”). The non-skid tape should go completely inside the fitting (Picture
27). It may be a good idea to mark the poles so you can see when they are fully seated.
Petroleum base lubricants WILL damage the polycarbonate fittings (Picture
25). We recommend that you apply a thin film of the
based silicone grease - (provided - Picture 25.5) to the “O” ring as it is in-
serted in the fitting.
SteppIR Antennas 40m - 30m Dipole Kit
Picture 19
Picture 21
Picture 25
Picture 26
Finished Assembly
Picture 25.5