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For Water Distillation, Bio Fuel Manufacture, Essential Oil Extraction or  

Alcohol Distillation for making Spirits and Liqueurs 





Firstly the sugar and water is turned into alcohol by fermenting with yeast.  This is known as “the wash”. 


Separate the purified alcohol from the wash by distilling, this 
leaves behind most of the water and other impurities.  Distilla-
tion is done by heating the wash, boiling off the alcohol and 
condensing the vapour back into a liquid. The alcohol that 
comes off does contain some water and is typically 60% ABV. 


Use specially formed activated carbon cartridges to filter out 
most of the remaining trace impurities. 


Finally, adjust the finished strength of your alcohol by adding 
some water, then simply add your favourite spirit or liqueur flavour 



Before use, clean the inside of the still and fill it with clean water to the 4 litre (1 US gallon) line which is marked on the 
inside. Make sure that no water is spilt on the outside of the body and ensure that both electrical sockets are clean and 

1.  Fit the top cover of the still in place and plug the fan lead into the socket in the still body.   
2.  Place a 4 litre (1 US gallon) collection jug (not supplied) under the outlet nozzle. 
3.  Press the reset button on the base of the still. 
4.  Connect the main power cord between the still and the mains power socket. 
5.  Turn on the mains power socket switch. 


You will hear the fan in the top cover of the still start.


7.  It will take about 1


 hours for the water to heat up. 

8.  Once distillation starts, water will begin to drip into the collection bottle.  
9.  The still will take about 10 hours to distil off the 4 litres (1 US gallon) . 
10. The power supply reset switches off automatically when the distillation is completed. 
11. You will need to press the reset button on the base of the still before you next use it.  After distillation the water 

needs to be polished. We recommend filtering the distilled water through a Still Spirits Air Still Carbon Filter.   


Instructions for using Still Spirits Air Still Carbon Filter: 

Fit the carbon cartridge to the filter taking care to ensure the foam washers are fitted between the filter and both ends 
of the cartridge.  Place the filter on the top of a clean 4 litre (1 US Gallon) bottle.  Pour water into the filter and top up 
as necessary. 
