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AS/NZ Approval NSW22926




We recommend that the collected alcohol be passed through a Still Spirits Air Still Carbon Filter to improve the purity before 
you add your selected flavour and make up to the final volume of 1 litre (1 US Quart) with clean water.  
Still Spirits Air Still Carbon Filter 

1.  Fit the carbon cartridge to the filter taking care to ensure the foam washers are fitted between the filter and both ends 

of the cartridge. 

2.  Place the filter on the top of a clean 1litre spirit bottle. 
3.  Dilute the distilled spirit to 40% by adding 300ml (10 fl oz US) of clean water. This is necessary for the filter to operate 


4.  Fill the filter with the distilled spirit and allow to drip into the bottle. Once all the spirit has dripped through the filter top 

up the bottle with clean drinking water. Leave room to add the flavour.  

5.  The spirit is now ready to be flavoured with Still Spirits flavour essences to make your favourite spirits and liqueurs. 





Change the carbon cartridge for each bottle filtered. 


If you chose to produce 1125ml (38 fl oz US) of spirit from each run through the still then you will have collected 
800mls (27 fl oz US). Add 150ml (5 fl oz US) to this and make up to 1125ml (38 fl oz US) leaving room for the flavour. 
Remember to change the carbon cartridge after each bottle. 


If you use another type of filter then follow the instructions supplied with your filter. 


Safety Instructions 



Always use the still on a flat dry surface in a well ventilated area. 


Always unplug the power cord when filling or cleaning the still. 


Always use only the wall socket switch for turning power on and off. 


Never immerse the still in water, or allow the body base or the top cover to become wet inside. 


This unit is not intended for use by children.  


Do not operate this unit where it is possible for children to reach it. 


Do not remove the top cover when the still is operating.  


Allow at least 20 minutes for cooling, after switching the power off, before you remove the lid. 


The still is fitted with a high temperature cut-out. This is used as an automatic cut-out for water distilling and must be 
reset before the still can be used again. Use the reset button on the base of the still. 


It is not applicable for alcohol distilling as you are only distilling off about 20% of the starting volume. 


However it will provide a safety back-up if you forget to turn the still off and it is allowed to boil dry. If this happens you 
will need to press the reset button on the base of the still before it can be operated again. 

Please note that in certain countries alcohol distillation is illegal and you will require a licence. Ask for advice or contact your 
local Customs and Excise Department. We would point out it is illegal to manufacture spirits in the UK without a distiller’s 
licence which is required under the provisions of section 12 of the Alcoholic Liquor Duties Act 1979 and this includes manu-
facture for “own/domestic use”. 
Public Notice 39 – “Spirits production in the UK” dated July 2006 provides further information about HM Revenue and Cus-
tom’s requirements.   If you require further assistance then please contact the National Advice Service on Telephone 0845 
010 90. Where you can obtain or view public notice 39. 


Alcohol for Bio Fuel 

On 30th June 2007 the UK government made it legal for people to produce up to 2500 litres without the need to pay duty or 
to hold a permit. To make your own bio fuel you will need to double distil the alcohol you make. You should check with car 
manufacturers as to the level you can add. 
