Installation Procedure
I n s t a l l a t i o n P r o c e d u r e
To install the appliance
Configure the Firewall element in the Management Client, and
save or upload the initial configuration. See the
Installation Guide.
You can upload the initial configuration to the Stonesoft
Installation Server in preparation for plug-and-play configuration.
Alternatively, you can save the initial configuration on a USB
If the initial configuration is on a USB stick, insert the USB stick in
a USB port on the appliance.
(Models with wireless support
) Connect the antennas to the
appliance as described in
Connecting the Antennas
(page 11).
Connect the cables to the appliance (see
Connecting the Cables
(page 11)). The appliance starts up and the initial configuration is
transferred to the appliance.
If the initial configuration has been uploaded to the Stonesoft
Installation Server, the appliance automatically connects to the
Installation Server, and the initial configuration is transferred
from the Installation Server to the appliance.
If the initial configuration is on a USB stick, the initial
configuration is automatically imported from the USB stick to the
Initial Configuration
(page 13) for more information on the
configuration methods.
Note –
You must have a working Management Center on a separate
server to bring the appliance(s) operational. See the
Management Center Installation Guide