Carefully read these instructions, along with the ‘Outback Flat Attached Installation Guide’. Lay out the main
components in order of assembly on the ground and check them against the delivery note. The ‘Components’
section identifies each part of your Stratco Clearspan Gable and shows the location of the components.
Mark out the overall area of your verandah, patio or carport and ensure it is free from obstructions. Beam to wall
connections can cause difficulty if they coincide with door and window openings, so avoid these in your design.
Ensure there is reasonable access for materials and working space and consider the disposal of run off water.
Check the post and beam positions on the ground, roughly check they are square and mark the hole locations.
If you do not have all the necessary tools or information, contact Stratco for advice. Before starting lay out all
components and check them against the delivery docket. The parts description identifies additional gable parts,
and the component layout diagram indicates their fastening position.
Outback Gable
• Drill & Hex-Head Adaptor
• Rivet Gun
• Tape Measure
• Tin Snips
• Spirit Level
• Hack-Saw
• Post Hole Digger
• Silicone Gun
• Spanner or Ratchet
• Adjustable Construction Props
• Turn Up/Down Tool
• Concrete
Back Channel
12x20mm Hex Head Self Drilling
Screws with Domed Washers
Outback Deck
Outback Deck
Outback Rooflite
Rooflite Infill
Foam Insert
3mm Rivets
Outback Deck
Dip in the
No dip in
the profile
Outback Deck
Outback Rooflite profile
Note: each side of the profile is different, and
fits with the corresponding edge on the deck
Turn deck up
Turn deck down
Gutter End
Back Channel End
Laying direction
Prevailing wind
Both rivets and screws
to be located in the
pan of the sheet
Back Channel Fixing
Fixing Locations
Front Fascia Beam Fixing
Rivet from
12x20 Hex head screws
Concrete raised
up to column
M12x75 masonry
anchors or M10x75
Footing plate
Figure 9.0
Figure 9.1
Final Fixing into the Concrete Footing
Thoroughly check the posts with a spirit level. When plumb, fi ll the post hole with approximately
150mm of concrete and use a shovel or pole to agitate the concrete to remove any air pockets. Repeat
this process until the hole is full, continually checking the posts as you go. The concrete must have
a slight slope that runs away from the column to ensure any water does not pool around the base
(Figure 9.0). Once the concrete is set remove any temporary bracing or props.
Final Fixing onto Existing Concrete
If the columns are to be fi xed to an existing concrete slab with a footing plate, each plate must be
fi xed to the concrete with two M12x75 masonry anchors or two M12x75 screwbolts (Figure 9.1). The
minimum distances from an anchor hole to the concrete edge is 75mm for M12 anchors.
Important note
Do not allow soil to remain in permanent contact with the columns, as corrosion will result in the base
of the column. Refer to the “Selection, Use and Maintenance of Stratco Steel Products” brochure for
complete details of the maintenance requirements.
Before attaching the downpipes, rivet the downpipe bracket to the column and bend the fl anges along
the ‘break-line’ to accept the downpipe. Slide the downpipe over the downpipe outlet and rivet into
position. Rivet the downpipe to the brackets. Weatherproof all the fasteners with silicone.
Regular maintenance is essential to maintain the good looks of all Stratco steel products and to ensure
you receive the maximum life-span possible. Washing with clean water must be frequent enough to
prevent the accumulation of dust, salts, and pollutants that may reduce the life of the product. Stratco
steel products that are regularly washed by rain require no additional maintenance. No Stratco steel
structure or materials are recommended for use over, or in close proximity, to swimming pools or
spas. No material that retains water (such as dirt or paving sand) should be placed against the columns.
Care must be taken when determining the location of Stratco steel products so that they are not
placed in close contact with sources of pollution or environmental factors that could aff ect the life of
the steel. Refer to the ‘Selection, Use and Maintenance’ brochure for more information.
lift the back of the gutter into the corner mitre of the side gutter. Check the roof sheets overhang into
the gutter by 50mm and the gutters are square in relation to the framework. Fix the front gutter with
rivets at one metre spacings through the end of the roof sheets into the gutter’s back lip. For units
with a deck overhang, fi x the gutter to the roof sheets with two rivets per pan. Rivet and seal the front
gutter to the mitre and the gutter straps to the roof sheets. Lift the fi nal side gutter so that its front
end slides into the mitre and the stop end slides up behind the back channel. Fix the gutter in position
as previously described and waterproof with silicone. The downpipe is not attached at this stage, as
the columns are not yet fi xed in their vertical position.
Gutter Outlet Assembly
To mark the position of the outlet, place the downpipe in line with the column. Mark and cut a hole in
the base of the gutter near the back chamfer. Insert the downpipe outlet from the inside of the gutter
and rivet in place using 3.2mm rivets (Figure 8.1). Remove any swarf and waterproof with silicone.
Rivet pop
to gutter
Gutter outlet
(downpipe pop)
beam filler
Side gutter
Front gutter
Mitred gutter ends fit
inside the mitre bracket
Mitre bracket
Figure 8.0
Figure 8.1
Figure 8.2
• Drill & Hex/Phillips Head
• Rivet Gun
• Tape Measure
• Tin Snips
• Spirit Level
• Hack-Saw
It is important to check your Local Government Authority requirements before the installation of your new Stratco Outback
Flat Verandah. It is
the builder’s responsibility to ensure any existing structure that an Outback Flat is being attached to is adequately reinforced to accommodate
the additional loads imposed by the verandah, patio or carport. Read these instructions thoroughly before starting your project and refer to
them constantly during each stage of construction. Contact Stratco for advice if you do not have the necessary tools or information.
Before starting, lay out the main components in order of assembly on the ground and check them against the delivery note. The ‘Components’
section identifi es each part of your Outback Flat Verandah or Carport and shows the relative location of the components.
Mark out the overall area of your verandah, patio or carport and ensure that it is free from obstructions. Beam to wall connections can cause
diffi culty if they coincide with door and window openings, so avoid these in your design. Ensure there is reasonable access for materials and
working space and consider the disposal of run-off water. Check the column and beam positions on the ground; roughly check they are square
by measuring the diagonals, then mark out the column locations. If columns are to be ‘in ground’, dig the holes to Stratco specifi cations.
Turning the Decking Ends
While still at ground level, the ends of the decking need to be turned up or
down approximately 30 degrees using a turn up/down tool to aid in weather
proofi ng. Turn the ends of the decking up at the back channel end and down
at the gutter end (Figure 6.0).
Laying and Installing the Decking
Decking should have a 50mm overhang into the gutter and is laid with the
overlapping rib facing away from the prevailing wind (Figure 6.1). Ensure all
of the sheets have locking ribs on the same side. Mark the back channel and
front fascia beam every 1000mm to check the decking is laid square.
Lift the fi rst sheet into place and push it fi rmly into the BIP foam in the
back channel to weather proof it. Check the sheet is square against the back
channel and side fascia beam. At the back channel end, rivet the decking
from underneath through the raised edge on the bottom of the back channel
with two 3.2mm rivets per pan (Figure 6.2). Seal the rivets with silicone. At
each supporting beam, fi x the sheet with two 12x20 hex head self-drilling
screws per pan (Figure 6.2) (In cyclonic conditions use three 12x20 hex head
self-drilling screws per pan on supporting beams and three rivets per pan at
the back channel). Remove any swarf.
Lay the next sheet of decking over the previous sheet’s side lap (Figure 6.1).
At the back channel end press down on the lap until the sheets clip together,
continue working along the length of the sheet using a timber block (to avoid
damaging the sheet) and rubber mallet. Finish by sliding the roof sheet fi rmly
into the BIP foam on the back channel. For larger spans you may need to
temporarily support the underside of the roof sheeting while clipping the
laps together. Continue this process until all the roof decking is installed.
Decking parallel to Back Channel
If the decking runs parallel to the back channel, slide the fi rst roof sheet
sideways into the BIP foam in the back channel for a weather proof seal.
The sheeting is secured to the back channel with rivets at 200mm centres
(150mm centres for cyclonic conditions), and it is secured to the beams
running parallel with the decking using hex head screws at 500mm centres.
The roof sheets are fi xed as standard to the supporting beams (Figure 6.2).
Roofl ite is fastened using 12x20mm hex head self-drilling screws with
domed washers at maximum 2000mm centres. Fix through the groove
located along the top of the Roofl ite connectors (Figure 7.1). To fi nish the
exposed end of the Roofl ite an infi ll is required. Fasten the infi ll over the
Roofl ite with 12x20mm screws and domed washers on both sides through
the pre-drilled holes. Connect the infi ll to the underside of the decking with
3mm rivets, seal the rivets with silicone. Finally, a foam insert is placed into
the backchannel end of the Roofl ite.
An Outback Roofl ite can be used to add natural light. The polycarbonate
Roofl ite overlaps the deck by snapping or sliding over the already installed
sheets that have been spaced 250mm apart (note the profi le of the Roofl ite is
diff erent on each side, and therefore must align with the correct connection
on the deck). Ensure the lower tab of the Roofl ite touches the Outback deck
at the points shown (Figure 7.0) and all sheeting is pushed fi rmly into the
back channel. 9mm holes must be pre-drilled through the Roofl ite at all of
the fastener locations prior to fi xing to allow for thermal expansion. The
Figure 7.1
Figure 7.0
Gutter preparation
To establish the inside gutter length ‘A’ (Figure 8.0), measure from the back
of the back channel to the outside of the front fascia and subtract 5mm
for the mitre bracket. To establish the inside gutter length for units with a
deck overhang, subtract 55mm from the total roof sheet length. To establish
inside gutter length ‘B’ for the front gutter, measure the length of the front
fascia beam and subtract 5mm for each mitre bracket.
Attach the stop ends to the side gutters with four rivets per stop end. Remove
any swarf and waterproof with silicone. On the gutter ends that will form a
corner, cut a 45 degree mitre. Fit the mitre brackets using 3mm sealed rivets
to fasten the mitre to the gutter then waterproof with silicone.
First Side Gutter Assembly
After fi xing a gutter mitre bracket to the corner of the fi rst side gutter, lift
the gutter into place so the stop end slides up behind the back channel.
Use rivets to fasten the gutter’s back lip to the roofi ng at the maximum
spacing of one metre. Install the gutter straps at least every metre (Figure
8.2). Waterproof the rivets with silicone. Ensure the front face of the gutter
remains vertical and even.
Front Gutter Assembly
On the front gutter, attach a gutter mitre to the end opposite the side gutter.
Slide the fl at end of the gutter straps inside the rib of the roof sheets every
metre. Hang the front gutter on the gutter straps and using a rolling action,
• Post Hole Digger
• Silicone Gun
• Spanner or Ratchet
• Adjustable Construction Props
• Turn Up/Down Tool
• Concrete
• Ladder
The Outback kit does not include fi xings to attach the unit to an existing
structure or concrete/masonry anchors for the column installation. If
required, they must be purchased as additional items.
Figure 6.0
Figure 6.1
Figure 6.2
Flat Attached
Ph: (07) 3451 4444
1 Mavis Crt
Ph: 3451 4411 179 Magnesium Dve
Ph: 4638 9322 167 Herries St
Ph: 3451 4411 1/2043 Sandgate Rd
Ph: 5431 4100 17 Concorde Pl
Ph: 5351 0100 14 Pike St, Kunda Park
Ph: 3451 4411 108 Eastlake St, Carrara
Ph: 3451 4411 Cnr. Smith St & Redland Bay Rd
Ph: 3451 4411 Cnr. Beaudesert & Granard Rd
Ph: 3451 4411 326 Kruger Pde
Ph: (02) 8811 7200
15 Liberty Rd
Ph: 8811 7211 22 Blaxland Rd
Ph: 8811 7211 125 Coreen Ave
Ph: 4922 2777 2 Hartley Dve
Ph: 6362 2160 5 Colliers Ave
Ph: (02) 6280 5905
25 Tennant St
Ph: (03) 9409 9260
17 Scanlon Dr
Ph: 9409 9260 1027 Western Hwy
Ph: 9409 9260 881 Burwood Hwy
Ph: 9409 9260 14 Princes Hwy, Doveton
Ph: (08) 8349 5559
125 Cavan Rd
Ph: 8349 5559 221 Marion Rd, Marleston
Ph: 8349 5559 1197 South Rd
Ph: 8349 5559 Cnr. Dyson & O’Sullivan Beach Rd
Ph: 8349 5559 129 Tolley Rd
Ph: 8522 1132 16 Main North Rd, Willaston
Ph: 8555 2825 29 Hutchinson St
Ph: 8552 5164 95 Victoria St
Ph: 8531 9191 15 Hindmarsh Rd
Ph: 8828 1555 9 Kennett St
Ph: 8582 4666 53 Zante Rd, Berri
Ph: 8642 0300 70 Victoria Pde
Ph: 8645 7344 50 Ian St, Whyalla Norrie
Ph: (08) 9455 5111
183-189 Bannister Rd
Ph: 9455 5111 Cnr. Marshall Rd & Energy St
Ph: 9455 5111 140 Balcatta Rd
Ph: 9455 5111 11 Fitzgerald Rd
Ph: 9791 4200 Cnr. Strickland St & Zaknic Pl
Ph: 9752 3122 18 Wright St
Ph: 9080 8080 8 Federal Rd
Ph: 9191 3800 26 Hunter St
Ph: 9169 1900 2 Cocus Wy WA
Ph: (08) 8944 2300
780 Stuart Hwy
Ph: 8950 9898 6 Ghan Rd
Ph: (03) 338 9063
55 Hands Rd
Ph: (06) 843 6159 65 Niven St, Onekawa
All brands and logos/images accompanied by ® or ™ are
trade marks of Stratco (Australia) Pty Limited.
© Copyright October 07