Changes in models reserved.
Dimensions not binding!
Instructions For Disposal
12 Instructions For Disposal After Service Life
Packaging of this product is in compliance with EN 13427.
We recommend disposing the packaging in the following way:
plastic foils, carton cover, use the Scrap Materials
the wood base is intended for single using and it cannot be further reused. Its disposal is
subjected to Act No. 477/2001 Coll. and 185/2001 Coll. as amended.
We recommend disposing the individual boiler parts as follows:
exchanger, use the Scrap Materials
pipe distributions, use the Scrap Materials
other metal parts, use the Scrap Materials
for the boiler frame insulation material, use a contractor dealing with waste collection
and disposal
Upon losing the utility value of the product, it is possible to return the product back (if applicable), in
case the originator states it is waste, the waste should be disposed according to the provisions of
the effective legislation in the particular country.