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Reversing Rear Swing Direction

Tools required:

 #2 Phillips Screwdriver, 1/4” drive ratchet wrench with 3” extension, 10mm standard depth socket, 10mm 

open-ended wrench, adjustable wrench or pliers

1. Using the included key, unlock the latch on the rear swing frame and remove the frame from the rack.
2. Using a 10mm wrench, loosen the alignment spikes from one side of the rack and move them to the corre-

sponding holes on the opposite side. (Fig. 4)

3. Using a 10mm socket wrench with a 3” extension, loosen the hinge nuts from the inside of the rack, taking 

care not to lose the lock washers behind the nuts. (Fig. 5)

4. Reattach the hinges to the opposite side, making sure to keep the pins pointed down.

5. Move on to the rear swing frame. Move the hinges to the opposite side (same steps as rack).
6. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, remove the arm from the latch, then remove the lock ring, using pliers or an 

adjustable wrench as needed.


Install the latch into the opposite mounting hole. Note the latching arm orientation in the figure. The latch ro


tates up or down depending on which side it is installed in.

Fig. 4

Fig. 4

Fig. 4

Fig. 5
