Stryker Radio warrants this product to be free of defects for a period of two (2) years
from the original date of purchase. This warranty is non-transferable. Warranty does not cover
damages caused by abuse, misuse, negligence (i.e. hitting overhead objects), improper
installation, etc. These are considered to be avoidable circumstances and are not covered by
The coaxial cable is warranted for a period of 1 year, and does not include pinching or
cutting of the cable by the door, window or trunk lid. If your Stryker Antenna needs repair any
time during the (2) year warranty period please visit Stryker’s website:
to obtain an RA number or call 910-221-1086 between the hours of
10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Eastern standard time.
You will need to include a copy of your original sales receipt along with your antenna
when sending it in for warranty repair. If you do not have your copy of your sales Order and you
purchased your Stryker SR-5K Antenna from, send a request from
. Please include your Sales order
number, if you have it, or give the name of the person who ordered, the date it was order (from
your credit card statement and the address it was delivered to.
For Sales Information Please Contact
RoadTrucker Inc (
8312 Sidbury Rd.
Wilmington, NC 28411
(800) 507-0482 / (910) 686-4281
For Sales Information Please Contact RoadTrucker Inc (
8312 Sidbury Rd.; Wilmington, NC 28411 - (800) 507-0482 / (910) 686-4281