© STULZ Tecnivel – all rights reserved
EN/11.2020 Technical data subject to modifications
Air Handlers Units
ClimaPac Series
Further information about electrical wiring can be found in the installation and
maintenance manual of the electrical components (available in separate documents).
4.3.2 Connection of drains
Components using water (evaporative pads humidifiers, water coils) are provided with a drain for emp-
tying it (e.g. condensate pan).
To avoid any trouble due to the pressure (positive or negative) in the sections where there is a drain,
every water outlet must be provided with a siphon of sufficient height to overcome the static pressure
of the unit, as explained below:
The minimum height of the siphon must be equal to 2H, calculating H according to the following
H (mm)=
P: total pressure (positive or negative) of the unit fan:
Siphon for positive pressure.
Siphon for negative pressure.
In order the siphon works properly, do not connect several water outlets to the same