Adequate size trailer brakes are required when the trailer and its
cargo exceed 1,000 lbs (453 kg) total weight.
If your trailer’s total weight (trailer weight plus its cargo weight)
exceeds 1,000 lbs (453 kg), the trailer is required to be equipped with
its own brake system. Electric brakes or surge brakes are recom-
mended, and must be installed properly. Check that your trailer’s
brakes conform with Federal, state/province and/or other applicable
regulations. Your SUBARU’s brake system is not designed to be
tapped into the trailer’s hydraulic brake system. Please ask your SUB-
ARU dealer and professional trailer supplier for more information
about the trailer’s brake system.
Trailer safety chain
In case the trailer hitch connector or hitch ball should break or
become disconnected, the trailer could get loose and create a traffic
safety hazard.
For safety, always connect the tow vehicle and trailer with trailer safety
chains. Pass the chains crossing each other under the trailer tongue
to prevent the trailer from dropping onto the ground in case the trailer
tongue should disconnect from the hitch ball. Allow sufficient slack in
the chains taking tight-turn situations into account; however, be care-
ful not to let them drag on the ground.
For more information about the safety chain connection, refer to the
instructions for your hitch and trailer.
Side mirrors
After hitching a trailer to your vehicle, check that the standard side
mirrors provide a good rearward field of view without significant blind
spots. If significant blind spots occur with the vehicle’s standard side
mirrors, use towing mirrors that conform with Federal, state/province
and/or other applicable regulations.