ElECTriCal SupplY inFOrMaTiOn
CAUTION: This furnace is designed for negative ground 12 volt D.C. system only. Do not
attempt to alter the furnace for a positive ground system or connect the furnace directly to
120 volts A.C. Damage to furnace component parts will occur.
Be sure all wiring to the furnace is of heavy enough gauge to keep the voltage drop through it to a
minimum and to provide enough power for start-up surge. No. 12 gauge wire is recommended. if any
of the original wire that is supplied with the appliance must be replaced, it must be replaced with type
105° C or its equivalent.
Power supply connections are to be on the right side of the furnace. The wires are color coded, red for
positive (+) and yellow for negative (-). This polarity must be observed so the furnace motor will run
the proper direction of rotation to insure correct air delivery. (See wiring diagram.)
if the furnace power supply is to be from a converter, we recommend that the converter system used
to power the furnace be wired in parallel with the battery. This will serve two purposes:
. Provide a constant voltage supply to the furnace.
. Filter any A.C. spikes or volt surges.